~Taking chances~

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I've been feeling very inspired a lot lately so I decided to write again! Writing is such a beautiful way for people to know about the things you think about. It's like a small glimpse of what goes on in your head. It's so fascinating.

Here's my alren one shot for you beautiful harmonizers!!!! HOPE YOU ALL LIKE IT! WHAT DO Y'ALL THINK OF THEIR NEW SINGLE??!??


Ally's POV

There she was. The sun shining down on her so perfectly. Her legs crossed as she wrote something in her journal. Her light blue earphones in her ears. " So mesmerizing" I thought to myself. Even when she's not doing anything, I still find myself falling more and more in love with her.

I always seem to find myself starring at her. Admiring every single thing about her. From the way she flips her hair to the side or the way she bites her pencil when her thoughts are all over the place. She fascinates me in more ways than one and I want to know what is it about her that makes everyone so head over heels for her. I want to know her story.

" And then, ALLY!" Dinah shouted. Startled, I turned my head to face her then looking at our group of friends. They all giggled, causing me to blush as I sink myself into my seat. " Girl, if you like her that much why don't you just go talk to her? It's not like she's going to bite you. I mean, unless she's into that kind of stuff"

Looking up at her, I lightly chuckled while I shacked my head negatively. " I can't" I said honestly. " Isn't it bad enough we're lab partners? Even then, I don't talk to her. I'm afraid I'll say the wrong thing and I'll end up making a fool of myself. I'm not going to risk that."

I felt her hand on my back, rubbing it lightly. I've always had a crush on Lauren. Since the beginning of the year to be exact. There's something about her that caught my attention. I don't know if it's her eyes that beautifully changes colors depending on what she's wearing. I don't know if it's the way she stands up for anyone who needs defending. I don't know what it is about her that has me feeling this way. A feeling I can't even explain.

I've never felt this way for anyone before. Not even my exes. I turned my head to look at her once more, sighing.

" What if she likes you too but, because you waited, she found someone else?" She said. Turning my head, I looked at her with a blank face expression. " I said what if. What if you both like each other but she's probably waiting for you to come around but because you're afraid, you lost your chan- I'm sorry."

Opening my mouth to say something, nothing came out. Vision going blurry, my eyes started to burn. Trying so hard to hold them back, failing miserably as Dinah held my hand under the table.

" Camila's right, Ally" she whispered. " You've liked her since the beginning of the year. We understand you're afraid and I personally don't understand why but that's completely okay. Maybe you're nervous too which, is also okay. We just don't want you to get hurt in the end. That's all."

I sighed, squeezing her hand tighter. " I'm afraid because" trying to find the right words, I let go of her hand. Nervously placing them on the table, I entwined my hands, looking up at them. " I'm afraid because what if she doesn't like me back. You don't think I've thought about everything you said Camila? I have and it's not a good feeling. I'm just afraid of getting rejected."

It's no secret to anyone that I'm gay but it sure was a secret to me. High school is a place that made me realize so much about myself and what I like and dislike. I wasn't going to limit myself to one thing based on who my parents might be. I wasn't going to limit myself because, who they want me to be, isn't who I actually am. Having feelings for Lauren definitely made it more believable and I'm proud of who I am!

You'll never know ( An Alren One Shot )Where stories live. Discover now