lizzybee12 #2

351 11 5

Zia: *chasing Abbie who has her computer* Abbie! Give me my computer back!

Abbie: Just let me finish Spore!

Jenna: Calm down guys!

*computer beeps*

Zia: *pulls computer out of Abbie's hands and reads* Yay! Thanks Lizzy!

Abbie: *reads* Oh yeah! Leo needs to get into a good show anyway.

Jenna: *reads* Just as long as it is not Space Heroes.

Zia: Everybody! In the lair now!

Raph: What is it now?!

Abbie: Be nicer about it.

Raph: *sighs*

Zia: It is for Leo. It says:

Leo, why do you like a stupid show like Space Heroes. Have you seen Doctor Who? If not, I dare you to watch it!

Lizzy B.

Leo: What is Doctor Who?

Zia: Watch a few episodes. You'll be a Whovian in no time.

Abbie: It is a cool show.

Donnie: This isn't going to be another Space Heroes, is it?

Zia: If it was, I wouldn't like it. It is funny, awesome, and one of the best British sci-fi shows ever.

Zia: I'm going to get my iPad. I have all the episodes of the last three doctors on it. *runs out of the lair*

Leo: Why do I have to watch it?

Abbie: It was a dare. Now shut up and wait patiently.

Zia: *runs back in* I think you would like the Eleventh Doctor the best, so we will watch the Eleventh Hour first, then go to Rose.

Leo: Whatever.

Zia: Everybody else should watch too.

Everybody but Zia: *gathers around Zia*

(1 hour later)

Mikey: That was actually pretty cool!

Donnie: I liked it.

Raph: It definitely isn't like Space Heroes.

Abbie: We told you so.

Leo: I still want to watch Space Heroes.

Zia: *rolls eyes* You can't change him. Give him an awesome show and he still wants to watch Space Heroes. Anyway, ask us questions and dare us. Later. I'm going to watch more Doctor Who.

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