Everything I Could Ever Want... (((jacksepticeye + reader)))

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I've been with Jack for more than 2 years. I'm 21 now and he's 26. Hot damn is he old?! No , I kid , the Septiceye fandom. (((IDC WHAT IT'S CALLED)))

I woke up to the smell of coffee. Yum. I got up and went to the bathroom. I put on different PJs , a black crop-top and gray sweatpants.

I went to the kitchen and there sat my bae sat at the table with his laptop. "Hey , Hotness." He said to me over his shoulder. I rolled my eyes , kissed his cheek (as his face heated up) , and mocked him , "Hey , Sexy." "I know I am , you don't have to remind me , Gorgeous." He says and takes off his beanie ((😆)) to comb through his green hair dramatically.

"OK , so I was thinking we could do a video together... Please?" He asks. I sigh , "Sorry , I just don't want anymore hate than I have already from YOU always posting sh*t on social media." Jack smiles his signature smile. That I love so much!!! "We both know you'll give in sometime today so just do it now."

🌹The Video🌹

*WHAPISH* TOP O' THE MORNIN' TE YA LADDIES! MY NAME IS JACKSEPTICEYE! OKAY, hold on to your A$$ES! Today we're doin' something your not used to... You are going to meet The Bae today. Yup. And I asked you guys on Twitter for questions about her and so like I said: HOLD IN TO YOUR A$$ES! " I jump in camera shot and tackle him out if his chair and onto the floor. "SH!T!" He yells. "You need to stop eating so much.." He jokes and I punch him with full force in the rib. "OK , OK , OUCH."

*Cut scene*

"Jack , how long have you and Y/N been together so far?" Jack reads. He looks scared all of a sudden- oh. He doesn't remember. "Um... 1 and a half years.." He says unsure. Sean looks at me to be sure. I sigh and face palm.

"You son of a-" I was gonna finish when I realized I said it aloud. "2 years , 4 months , 7 days." I said. Sean tried to choose his next words carefully..."Yea I , uh , I really didn't know that." He laughed , and so did I.

*Cut scene*

"(ship-name)!!! When was your guys' first kiss?" I read. Me and Jack thought for a moment. "OH , OH , I GOT IT! I REMEMBER! I'M THE BEST BOYFRIEND IN THE WORLD!" he yelled. I nodded for him to continue. "OK , so we were at a party , a boring one , and everyone was drunk-" I cut him off , "OR losing their virginity," He sighed , " Don't finish my sentences... ANYWAY , they were drunk or losing their virginity and me and her were bored... We went outside... And after a while of awkward lol-ing I pop kissed her. She was SO shocked and it was adorable." He smiled , he kissed me. On the damn camera....


So what did I do? I acted like nothing happened , "Ok so anyway..." Like a normal person. 'Cause... Yey. He just laughed.

*Cut scene*

"JAAAAAAAAAAAACK!!!!!!!! Who said 'I love you' first and how did the other person react?!." Jack read. "Wow , OK." He said , "Y/N said it first.." He pointed his finger in my face. "Ok , Jack. You can STAHP lying now... Douchebag."
"FINE. I said it first." He admits. "Its funny as f*ck , her reaction. She was just like , and these are the exact words , 'Umm , okey' , and all I could do was laugh. It was adorable."

*Cut Scene*

"Hey , Jack. Heres my question , you funny motherf*cker." Sean reads , "What's the best thing about Y/N???" Jack smiles after he reads the question and blushes , looking down. "I guess I'll say it. I never even told HER either." He says. I say sarcastically, "OK , b!tch. You never told me so I'd like to know so get on with it." "That." He states to the camera. I watch intently as he keeps talking , "That is one thing. Her sarcasm. Always making smart remarks and its funny as hell. Another thing is that she's just so f*ckin' beautiful. She's so pretty , that sometimes when I'm vlogging she's behind the camera doing nothing to distract me and I smile for no reason. And she does the most adorable things. She is everything that I could ever want and more." He smiles and kisses me quickly. I tuck a piece of hair behing my ear and smile." See? Like that's not adorable?" He says to the camera. I just smile again.

*Cut Scene*

"OK , so Im gonna end the video here-" "Wait." I smiled and cut him off. "I has a present for you..." I said. His bright blue eyes lit up more. I smiled I went to get something from under our bed. I came back and put it on his lap. It was a marble cake. His eyes widen. Sean puts the cake aside on the floor. He cups my face with both hands and gives me a good , 5 second kiss. Yey.

"I SERIOUSLY LOVE YOU!" he shouts. Not in my face. Just 6 inches away from my face.

"Anyways ," he starts , "Thanks for watching me and the bae ," he takes my hand , " Like I said she is every thing I could ever want and more. But ANYWAYS.THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH FOR WATCHING THIS VIDEO , AND IF YOU LIKED IT , PUNCH THAT LIKE BUTTON IN THE FACE.. LIKE A BOSS! AND..high fives all around.. AND I WILL SEE ALL YOU DUDES , " he puts his hands in the air taking mine with it , I decide to yell with him ,


The Bae ((jacksepticeye X reader: One Shot))Where stories live. Discover now