Chapter One, The First Encounter

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"I hear a Hunter!" Shouted Louis as they traveled through the city, on their way to the CEDA Evac in the heart of the city. "Watch your backs everyone." Add Bill.
"Grrrrrrr..." Growled the Hunter.
"Lights OFF! Witch nearby!" States Zoey. "God damn it! What's next? A Tank!" Complains Francis. "Bawh, bawh, bawh..." Cried the Witch. "Grrr- Huh?" Starts the Hunter, as he hears the Witch crying. " *gasp*, Who's there?" Asks the Witch.
"It depends, who's talking?" Replies the Hunter.
"I'm a Witch. You must be another infected if you can understand what I am saying. Now, WHO. ARE. YOU!"
"(Ha ha ha), I'm a Hunter and you are a-" The Hunter starts to say but before he could finish his sentence, he stepped out of the shadows and into the small bit of light that had somehow made it's way into the room. The Hunter stopped as through his eyes, sat before him was a beautiful woman. As the Witch saw the Hunters face, she knew exactly what was going through his mind and, for a brief moment, knew that she felt the same for the Hunter stood before her.
"That Witch is real close, sounds like the Hunter is too. Be careful." Claims Louis. Since non-infected can't understand a word that a fully changed infected says, they hear the infecteds' conversations as moans, growls and unintelligible shouts. As the four survivors progressed further into the city, the closer they were to the two infected. *HOWL* The survivors had just killed a boomer in a moment of panic and all but Bill, (who was being dragged away by a Smoker, as usual), had been covered in Boomer bile. "Get ready people! Here they come!" Shouted Bill.
"What was that?" Demanded the Witch.
"I don't know. I'll go look. Don't go anywhere." Says the Hunter, meaning to keep the Witch safe from a possible harm. As the Hunter looks down on the Survivors from the rooftops, he whispered to himself, "(Oh my. It looks like me and the Witch have our work cut out for us.)" Continued in Chapter Two, The Trouble Deepens For All.

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