okay to
matildas point view
it al stared wen i joyend mario skool rumurs stated tat mario was crusing on me but i thelt my sullm8 stell out ere i joyend a nuw math clas becase mario kept destrating me wit durty puckup lines.
i gut him arested fur dedurty puckuplines and gotmoved up in de subget math. tereswen i s' wen i saw wario stering at me he lucked so derk nd misterious he wis soandsome aftr cliss tis gurl culled elie cam up tu me nd pined me uptoda wull nd said beck off da walugi i sed in a quit vuice i was nut stering at da walugi i was stering at da wario so se sed letme get ma screwdriver she gotme duwn nd i sed det we shud befrieinds i sed me name wus matilda she said sewas elie we were wulking ten we saw the crutches so we ran. ten we saw luigi who sed to de elie he had a crutches on er he sed tey culd go to de stadum to do durty thungs i culdnut say un tis buk itsto durtyden de elie puled out of hur purse a fishy fish nd hit de luigi he bit de fush den waluigirun evur and sad in a sexy vuice se culd goduwn to de stadum to wipe uf de masca thun de wariosaw mi elone nd said with a sexy luk i culd go tu his guldmine tu practice me mining i was vry scered too gu to de goldin min.
wario and waluigi fenficksion
Фанфикokay to start off tis fenficktion i wil tel youtis is ajoyend acount wit te bestie pls enoy usel i wealy wana be a auhor i hop u af un reding t.