Girls Night Out

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Tonight was finally Friday! This whole week you've been excited because the girls decided to throw a sleepover since you haven't in so long, especially with school being such a drag. You were in your​ final class of the day just staring at the clock instead of actually paying attention.
'Come on clock, go faster so I can get the hell out of here!', you thought.
You still had another 20 minutes to go, so you figured that you would actually pay attention for the last of it.
Finally the bell rang and you quickly grabbed your stuff. You headed towards your locker and as you were putting your stuff away Axel, Kairi's brother, came up to you.
"Hey (y/n), I was wondering if you would like to go out and get a few drinks with me tonight."
"Sorry Axel I have other plans. Plus I'm only 16, I can't drink anyway."
"Fair enough, but would you still like to go out tonight?"
"I just told you I have plans."
You then shut your locker and began to walk away when he trapped your head between his arms.
"Why don't you ditch?", He asks.
"Because I don't want to."
"Come on Axel, don't keep bugging a girl who clearly doesn't want to go out with you", another voice said. Axel and you both turned your heads to see Kairi walking down the hall. You noticed the way her hips would move with each step she took and the way her hair flowed behind her. Looking at her made your cheeks turn a shade of pink.
"Come on Kai, you know I'm only playing around."
"Right, just like the time you dented dad's car while you were drunk."
"You wouldn't", Axel said.
"Try me." Axel then put his hands up in defense and walked away.
"Sorry about him."
"It's fine", you replied.
"So, are we still planning on the sleepover at your place tonight?"
"Yeah, of course."
Kairi and you then started walking towards the main entrance of the school to meet up with everyone else.
"Hey guys! Where were you?", Xion asked.
"Sorry, my brother was being a douche, again", Kairi said emphasising the last word.
"Of course he was", Selphie stated.
"So who is bringing the snacks?", Olette asked.
"Me!", Kairi said. "Drinks?"
"I am", Namine said. "Make-up?"
"As much as I can find", Aqua said. "Magazines?"
"All 47 of them", Xion said.
"Perfect! What time should you guys come over?", I asked.
"Well I won't be able to show up until 7:30 because of softball. So if you guys want to show up earlier than me that's fine", Kairi said.
"Alright then how about we come over at 5", Namine said.
"Okay!", I replied.
"Great, see ya later!", Olette said running off.
"Bye!", Xion said.
"Later taters!", Kairi said before running off.
"Bye!", Selphie said. Aqua, Namine and I then started walking down the sidewalk together since we live close to one another.
"So what are we gonna do later?", Namine asked.
"Well, I figured we could watch some movies that I rented or go on Netflix, talk about guys, pretty much the typical sleepover stuff", I said.
"I know one thing we should do", Namine said.
"What would that be?", Aqua asked her.
"Truth or dare."
"Oh boy, I can see where this is going", Aqua stated.
"Oh come on, it might be fun", Namine said pouting slightly.
"Alright, alright. Don't get your panties in a bunch", Aqua said.
I laughed a bit at that comment while Namine went on a pouting spree. Soon we were at my house so I waved goodbye to Aqua and Namine - saying that I would see them in a couple hours. Once inside I walked up to my room and got dressed into more comfortable clothes. Since there was only a couple hours until everyone showed up, I figured I would set out some stuff like movies, blankets, pillows, all that jazz.
After a while of just sitting around the house doing nothing, everyone showed up.
"Hey (n/n)! Ready to get this party started?", Namine asked.
"Totally!", I said.
Soon everyone was doing their nails, looking at magazines and just laughing while making jokes.
"So, does anyone want to play a game?", Xion asked.
"Truth or dare!", Namine said loudly.
"That's a great idea Nami!", Olette said.
Everyone then gathered in a circle and waited for someone to begin.
"Alright Selphie, truth or dare?", Xion asked.
"Dare", she replied.
"I dare you to slap Aqua across the face." Selphie crawled over to Aqua and slapped her left cheek. Aqua looked at her like she was about to kill her while Selphie just giggled away.
"Okay truth or dare...(y/n)!", Selphie said.
"Um, truth."
"Is is true that you like someone at school?"
'Well I do and it's not like they'll find out least not right now.'
"Yes", I said. The girls then 'oohed' at each other. At first I figured they would leave it at that but I was soon to be proven wrong.
"Truth or dare, Namine?", I asked.
"Is it true, that you like to make out with your pillow and think of Roxas?"
Namine began to freak out and started to yell at everyone asking if any of them 'spilled the beans'. I took her answer as a yes.
"Hmph! Alright Aqua, truth or dare?", the blonde asked.
"I dare you to kiss Olette", she said. Olette blushed a little and tried to back out. Aqua just rolled her eyes and kissed her with a quick peck on the lips.
"Hey guys! What did I miss?", we heard another voice say. I turn around to see Kairi standing in the doorway. She was still in her softball uniform and it looked like she was sweating a bit. My eyes started to look down and noticed that her shorts were a little too short so her legs were showing quite a bit. I blushed and quickly looked away so no one would notice I was staring. Of course I was too busy to notice a pair of eyes exchanging glances with someone else.
"Not much. We're just playing truth or dare. Want to join?", Xion asked.
"Yes!", Kairi said excitedly. She then walked over and sat down between Aqua and Olette.
"Alright, truth or dare Kairi?"
"Is it true that you are bisexual?"
"Yeah", she said as if it was no big deal.
'I didn't know this', I thought.
"Xion, truth or dare?", Kairi asked.
"I dare you to stand on your head for 5 mintutes."
Xion got into her position and was like that for a while. Selphie and Namine made a bet to see if she would fall over before the 5 minutes were up. Selphie lost the bet and pouted a little.
"(Y/n) truth or dare?", Xion asked me.
"Truth", I replied.
"Is it true that the person you like is someone we all know?", she asked.
'Well yeah but they still won't find out right?'
Everyone looked at each other asking if anyone knew who it was. They didn't of course, because I never told them.
"Truth or dare Selphie?", I asked.
"Truth", she said.
"Is it true that Tidus asked you out the other day?"
"Y-yes", she said blushing a little. Kairi nudged her arm and smiled at her.
"Kairi truth or dare?"
"Dare!", she said. Selphie was having a little trouble coming up with something until Namine came over to her and whispered in her ear. Selphies smile then grew into a devilish grin.
"I dare you to lick (y/n) on any part of her body that you choose for 2 minutes."
Kairi and I both started to blush like crazy. Kairi walked over to me and pushed me onto the floor. She lifted my shirt up and licked my stomach. I had to cover my mouth so I didn't let any sound out. She then stuck her tongue into my bellybutton and I had to bite my lip super hard to the point where it almost drew blood. I felt myself start to feel wet so I mashed my knees together.
"Time's up!", Selphie said. Kairi then got off of me and crawled back to her spot.
"(Y/n) truth or dare?", Kairi asked.
"Um dare", I said sort of quietly.
"I dare you to come with me to your bedroom for a few minutes."
"Ooh~ Seven minutes in heaven", Selphie said. Kairi then slapped her arm and started walking upstairs. I slowly followed her to my room and saw that the room was super dark.
The second I shut the door I was pushed up against it and felt a pair of lips on my own.
"Kairi?", I asked.
"Shh... Please don't talk right now."
I nodded my head and I think she heard my head move against the door because her lips reconnected with mine. She pulled me closer to her and grinded herself on me. I began to moan which she took advantage of and slipped her tongue into my mouth. She then proceeded to guide me over to my bed as we continued our kissing. I wrapped my arms around her neck to make sure she wouldn't leave me.
She moves down to my neck and bites down hard. A moan escapes my mouth as I part from her lips. She then lifts my shirt up once again and licks down my stomach. When she got to my bellybutton she stuck her tongue into it. I began to feel wet again as she started to suck on it.
"Mnn~", I whine.
Kairi decided that I was too impatient and pinched my clothed nipples. One of her hands move down to my pants. Her other hand turned on my bedside lamp and reached into her bag.
'When did she bring her bag up here?', I thought.
She pulls out a strap on dildo out of her bag and I caught my breath. She straps it on her and then pulls down my pants the rest of the way. Once they were off, Kairi inserted one finger into my core. After a couple pumps she adds one more. When she took them out she licked them like they were some sort of treat. She then aligns the dildo and looks into my eyes. I nod my head yes to let her know to continue. She inserts it inside me and I moan like crazy. It was all so new to me, but I have to admit that I fucking love it. She would pull out and push back in with so much force it would drive me up the wall.
"Mnn~", I whine again.
"No, this won't work", Kairi said. I was about to question her but she pulled all the way out and took the dildo off. She then put her clit on mine and she started to go off as well. We rubbed against each other loving the feeling. I then felt like I couldn't hold myself anymore and I came onto her. A few seconds after I did, Kairi came onto me mixing our fluids together. She leans down and looks me in the eyes as I look into hers.
"I love you (y/n)", she said.
"I love you too Kairi", I said as I ran my fingers through her hair. She smiles at me and gives me a peck on the lips. She lays down next to me and holds me in her arms while we fall asleep.

~Aqua's P.O.V~
After Kairi and (y/n) went upstairs everyone started to question each other about what they were doing. Soon we decided that we would just watch a movie. Halfway through the movie everyone got more annoyed because the other two still didn't come back downstairs.
"Seriously, what the fuck are they doing?", Xion asked.
"They probably confessed to each other", I said.
"What?", everyone yelled. "You guys didn't know?"
"No, all we knew was that Kai liked a girl. She wouldn't tell us who", Selphie said.
"Wait, so the person that (y/n) likes is Kairi?", Olette asked.
"Yeah. It was really obvious. They would always look at each other with a passion, the way that they talked with each other was so adorable. I'm surprised that you guys didn't know sooner."
"Me too", everyone said. I smiled at their response and went back to watching the movie.
'Then again, it isn't hard not to be attracted to either of them.'

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