why don't you make me?

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You are at a house part held by John and Karkat. They hold a party every year to commemorate your survival through the game. You take a small sip of the drink Sollux handed to you ten minutes ago - and then went off to look for his matesprit. Speak of the Devil, and they shall appear, you think as Eridan saunters in front of you.

He is wearing his usual party outfit: a cape (of course), a wavy, purple shirt, and black skinny jeans.

"Ara," he sneers. You find the act adorable and giggle. "Oh, shut the fuck up," he says curling his lip.

"Why don't you make me?" you challenge. He glares at you then looks to the floor suddenly flustered. It's incredible that a little black flirting makes him discombobulated, you laugh in your head.

"Ara," he begins again this time strained. "I've somethin' to ask you," you nod as an indicator for him to continue. He sighs in contempt and quietly, quickly blurts out, "W-would you like to be my kismesis?" you feel a slight blush spread across your face and nearly blurt out a loud "yes!", but keep your composure for long enough to make fun of him. You put your hand against your ear indicating that you could not hear him. He becomes even more flustered which makes you smirk. "W-would you like to be my kismesis," though he is flustered he growls the sentence. You smile at the familiar anger. Suddenly he is looking at his feet again. "So, uh, you dont hav-wve to I just thought since w-wev'wve been doin' quite a bit of black flirtin', but if you'd like to keep it just flirtin' I-" you put your pointer finger against his lips, and he narrows his eyes. You give a sly grin because you know he hates that.

"I would love to be your kismesis," you tell him. He looks elated. Sollux wanders over.

"There you are!" he exclaims. "I've been looking for you everywhere, ED. Did you athk her-" Sollux finally notices the excited twinkle in his matesprit's eyes and grins smugly. "Finally. You two have been danthing around each other for too goddamn long."

You smile and wink at Eridan who has left his stupor and is now sneering at you once again. You giggle.

"Shut the fuck up," he says one time more.

"Why don't you make me?"

This time he does.

why don't you make me? (eriara/aradan)Where stories live. Discover now