What a jerk

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        I started this book because , love is such a complicated and lovely thing and reading and writing about it , makes me happy
Please comment , read and enjoy most of all , also write me your thoughts and opinions
Ps: please excuse if I make mistakes in my writing
Thank you , and have a lovely day :)

" I don't want to leave "
"This is a great offer , you can't let it slip by, listen If any college sees you have attended to this high school they will accept you in the blink of an eye. "
" but it's my senior year dad , and my friends...and what about you?"
" I will be okay , I'm busy with work either way ..and you , your future is important . "
I sit down on the airplane seat on my way to London , Europe .
I can't believe my father convinced me ...after crying for hours and spending the night with my friends ..I can't believe I'm actually leaving .
I watch tv shows on my laptop hoping to forget everything that happened and everything that's about to happen .
But it doesn't work , I keep on biting my lip and my hands keep on fidgeting nervously .
I can't help but to think , what if the Anderson family doesn't like me ?
What if ..I can't make any friends ?
What if I'm not really good enough for the school?
All these thoughts kept on overwhelming me with anxiousness .
" relax Bella ." I whispered softly and closed my eyes . 
After many hours of contemplating reasons for why I should take a flight back home and never come back , we finally arrive to our  destination .
I remove my seat belt and take my bags , with me . I walk out of the airplane and already see family members hugging and kissing each other .. I on the other hand stand awkwardly next to the bathrooms.
I take my phone out in hopes of looking a little bit less weird .
" your father did say you'd be nervous ."
I turn around and see a guy about my age and bump into him hitting my head really hard against his chin.
" oh bloody hell." He winces in pain.
"Oh my god , I'm so sorry " I bite my lip and make my 'I'm sorry I screwed up face . '
He rubs his jaw and spits blood on the trash can next to him.
" I am so sorry." I say softly
"You freaking bitch."
"Excuse me ?" I ask
" whatever , I'm not even suppose to pick you up, my father was the one who had to . "
" who are you ? "
" I'm Sam, smart one "
"You are the kingston's son?"
I immediately start to blush ...way to make a good impression on your fathers best friend's family Bella , way to go.
"Yeah ..my father and mother are the kingston's ...lets get going red ."
" red?"
"Your face looks like a bright tomato."
He says
"Whatever" I say and  walk towards the exit .
"You'd literally be mistaken for a stop sign , by a glance to your face ."
" shut up." I say rudely
He smiles amused at his joke.
" are we going or what?"
I walk toward the exit and ask.

We got in his car and drove away.
I put the seat belt on and looked out the window as he sped through the he streets
There were many buildings and houses and even cute little shops .
" it's so beautiful" I say mostly to myself ,
I still turn to look at Sam but he has mostly no expression whatsoever on his face . Except for a sigh once in a while .
" we're here"
I look up at the house and it's even more beautiful than the houses I saw in the way. It's got a front yellow door with glass windows and a nice white front porch step .
"Get out red " he said and knocked against my side of the car
I stepped out of the car and soon I felt the cold air against my skin .
" and bring your bags !"
" gee thanks for the help." I said and rolled my eyes.
He shrugged and soon a lady came out the door
" oh god , you look just like your mum " she had an accent just like Sam's along with his bright green eyes , she walked over to me and hugged me thightly and welcoming
"And she was a very beautiful woman."
She said and smiled warmly at me .
" thank you , ms .kingston" i smile back at her .
"Please darling call me Greta ."
" Greta" I state and nod .
" God , I would love to have a daughter like you , but you see I only have two boys ." She chuckles and signals me to enter the house .
I enter inside and see mr.kingston .
" pleased to meet you Bella . "
He hugs me too .
" uh...nice to meet you too ." I say and awkwardly hug him
"Danny!!! Daniel! , Danny!" Greta starts calling out her other son.

A boy around 13 years comes rushing down the stairs
" what?" He asks in a bored voice.
" please show Bella her room" she says and nods at me to follow him.
" ugh..fine."
He walks up the stairs as I follow him , and the inside of the house looked even much more fancier and prettier than the outside . They really are rich.
"This is your room"
He enters inside and I walk in behind him , the room had light caramel brown walls and the floor was covered by a creamy white colored carpet .the bed was huge and , there was a window with a seat and some cushions , overall it was a cozy and nice big room.
" also , dinner will be ready in half an hour so ...hurry up."
" thanks Danny" I say and smile at him
"You're welcome " he closes the door and I start to look around the whole room.
I lay down in the bed
"This is freaking amazing"
I whisper .
I set my laptop and my journal in the counter and my makeup , curling iron and all that stuff on the vanity table. After having made the room more my own with posters of supernatural and Greys anatomy on the wall.

I hear a knock on the door
" come in"
"Dinner is ready." Sam pokes his head inside my room
" hurry up loser" he says and leaves .
I quickly unpack most of my things and I make my way downstairs .
I sit down in an empty chair next to Greta .
" okay family , as we all know ..Bella will be staying over with us for at least a year ...so I expect the best behavior out of each and every one of you ." Greta makes eye contact with the boys and adds extra emphasis on her words .
" welcome to our house Bella , please make yourself at home sweetheart."
After dinner , I stand up and wash the dishes ,
"You don't need to ." Greta says
" no it's okay ."
"No , just leave them there ..I will do them."
She nods reassuringly .
" go take a nice bath and go to sleep , you also still need to get comftorable around the house and school starts in less than a week so go rest. "
I sigh and walk upstairs to my room
I take my bathrobe and my towel and head to the bathroom .
Just a nice warm bath and I would go to sleep.
I enter the bathroom and strip down naked , I enter the bathroom and just when I'm about to unwrap my body from the towel Sam walks in.
" get out !" I scream .
" shit ..sorry."
He rushes out the door .
I laugh a little and cry in the shower , after my long shower and emotional scene , I dry my hair get dressed in a shirt with leggings and head to my room .
I bump into Sam again
" we need to talk." I push him against the wall
"About ?" He raises an eyebrow .
" what did you see?" I ask angrily
" nothing." He says nonchalantly
" okay ...we never speak about it to anyone ."
"Sure whatever , stop making a big deal red ."
" it's Bella ."
"What?" He asks
"My name is Bella ."
"And I don't care ." He pushes me to the side and walks away.
" ugh jerk." I slam my door and lay down in bed
Day 1 in London

If you got as far as here
And thank you
For actually taking your time to read this
I promise you this story gets better around the third chapter
Thank you so much for reading
Please write me what you think about the characters and also share
Your opinions !
Thank you loves
Bye :)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2016 ⏰

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Redamancy {n}: the act of loving someone who loves you in return .Where stories live. Discover now