part one of one

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Pairing: RoyalChaos/ZeroyalChaos
Summary: Sometimes things don’t go the way you planned, sometimes two people aren’t as compatible as they hoped to be and sometimes it’s your duty as a best friend to be a shoulder for your friend to lean on.  Or the one where Chilled’s relationship doesn’t work out and Ze takes it upon himself to be there for Chilled and their own relationship grows in more ways than one

Inspired by my post about where I said I had a dream in which Chilled and Ze wrestled one another.

Warnings:  Smut, language, and probably a lot more angst than you thought you’d get from a story based off of something so simple. 

Just a disclaimer, I know these are real life, living and breathing people I’m writing about, and that alone should be enough to weird me out and deter me, but I’m telling myself I’m just expanding on a dream I had one night anyway, and that I’m not projecting my own desires or fantasies onto the people in question or anything, this is just harmless (maybe?) fun and to get this out of my head so I can focus on other things. I don’t think they mind too much since they’ve even read fan stories in the past. I apologize now though if I offend anyone mentioned or weird them out, or cross any line, as that’s not my intention. Also for the purposes of this story, Ze and his girlfriend broke up a while back, if they’re together still…I don’t know, I’m not like super invested into anyone’s lives outside of Youtube so I don’t know these things. 


If Chilled was being honest, it had been about a month and a half into living with Jess in Connecticut when things started to fizzle out romantically, and about three and half when she and Chilled decided to call it quits. It’s not that the two no longer cared about one another as friends or people, but that was just one of the risks about long distance relationships shifting to just a regular relationship in general and long distance relationships in general as well; you had to deal with the possibility that when you were now around someone regularly that you hadn’t been before, you may begin to realize you just aren’t as compatible as you once thought, and that had been the sad reality for the couple. The two definitely didn’t have any ill will towards one another, they just came to quickly realize that they were two different people and things weren’t going to be like they had imagined and hoped for them to be, any longer.

It was decided that Jess would be the one to move out while Chilled would stay behind until the lease was up, and perhaps beyond the lease, he didn’t really know at that point, he was still wrapping his head and heart around the fact that his longest relationship was now over. The issue and discussion of who would stay hadn’t been a long one and was settled rather quickly; Chilled had a more reliable and larger source of income through Youtube and could survive more easily in terms of finances on his own compared to Jess. Plus, if he was being honest, Chilled wasn’t exactly ready to run back home to New York and his parents after less than four months with a short life experience and now ended (read failed) relationship being the only things to show for it. It would be fine he told himself, he needed to experience living on his own at some point anyway, right? 

It took less than a week before Jess had all of her possessions and affairs in order and was completely moved out of the once shared place with Chilled. She had parted with a somewhat sentimental, somewhat awkward hug and a promise to keep in touch as friends to Chilled before she was getting in her car and driving off. Chilled knew that while she hadn’t been lying about keeping in touch he knew that slowly, like their love for one another, their communication would slowly, or hell, quickly, fizzle out over time. In less than a year he could see them going from deeply in love to avoiding one another in public to avoid the awkward, past feelings, and it was a depressing thought. 

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