Skater girl (Niall Horan)

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Move out the way you stupid bitch! Could you walk any slower? 

It was only the first day back at school and I was already going insane. The people here piss me off, I mean seriously I know i'm not the tallest of people, but a girl skating through the corridors is quite hard to miss. Especially at our school were most girls are coated in layers of makeup, sometimes I wonder how they could put up with it. It looks like someone drew on their face with crayoler. Dont even get me started on the slutty skirts they wear, our school is one where you can wear your own clothes, so as you may be able to tell i'm not 'popular'. I don't get invited to endless parties, but i'm also not a nerd. I'm just a tomboy who hangs out with guys because life is easier that way. Girls are just such bitches.

It was the first day back and I hadn't seen any of my friends yet. I would usually go look for them but seeing as I bunked tutor for the whole of last year as soon as i enter school I have to go straight there. Tutor has to be one of the most boring experience of my life but today was different I mean I turned up and put my longboard on the table just to piss off Miss and sat there on my phone. I was in my own world texting Jay when the chair beside me moved and a figure sat in it, what was going on, no one ever sat next to me. I was curious to see who it was but didn't want to turn around and stare right at them. At the moment I was about to take a quick look miss entered.

"Charlotte Jackson take that dirty thing off the table, right this second you dint want to start this year off in detention, do you?" She shouted at me.

"Nice to see you too miss." I mumbled sarcastically, but some how she heard me rolling her eyes and walking off.

"Is she always like this?" The voice next to me spoke, I turned to face a pair of clear blue eyes that made me smile, dirty blond hair and braces. This boy made my heart melt and there was something about his voice that just made me lost for words. 

"M....most oof theee t t time." I managed to choke out. I mentally face palmed myself, nice first impression.

"I'm Niall I just moved here from Ireland." That explained a lot about his accent. But this boy seemed mysterious and like he had untold stories. And I was determined to know them. Before I had a chance to reply Miss spoke.

"Everyone listen, this is Niall he's joining our tutor, I want everyone to be nice to Niall and help him out. I have your timetable here Niall. Charlotte it seems all your classes today are with Niall so i suggest that you look after him and take him round with you." I knew that it wasn't really a suggestion more of a demand. But I didn't object. 

"I'm Charlotte but everyone usually calls me Charlie." I said to Niall when he returned to his seat after picking up his timetable. His braces were adorable, along with the rest of him.

"Nice to meet you Charlie," there was a little bit of an awkward silence so I just kinda spun the wheel on my board until he continued, "what's our first lesson, I don't actually understand this time table." 

-------After explain the timetable to Niall we both headed off to our first lesson. Maths-------------

Walking into maths I dreaded every minute of being in this lesson as non of my other friends were in it. I walked over to the seat at the back and far corner of the class whilst Niall checked in with the teacher. I watched him as he did this, his white tank top showing off his perfectly muscular arms and his 3 quarter length trousers showing off his amazing legs. Damn this boy was hot. My thoughts where then rudely interrupted by someone blocking my view, I looked up to be see an  orange. Ohhh no sorry it wasn't an orange it was a girl trying to resemble one. "Stay away from him. He's mine, I mean why would someone as hot as him go for someone who dresses like a boy and skateboards. I mean ewww." And with that she walked off, I also couldn't help but notice as she walked past Niall she winked at him. Making me angry, I don't know why I was angry it's not like he was mine? 

Skater girl (Niall Horan)Where stories live. Discover now