I'm thinking this should be a story about love obviously but with a little more BOOM POW. You know what I mean.....so it should be your classical weird geeky girl and just to make it even more stereotypical she wares glasses and now for the BOOMPOW! she has powers like cool ones. Read minds,invisibility,control any thing with her mind type powers that kinda cool stuff .
So she meets this dude.....um.....................
I can't think of names right now so will just call him Tip now here comes the tricky part well he has powers too but I feel like it should be more of a opposites attract kinda thing so he's all serious and mysterious(like my rhymes)but she's weird and strange I think that would be cute so this is just the jest of it so it will all come together in the story hopefully.Just to remind this is my first story and I know for some of yall you feel like every one says that but just go easy on me or you could be one of them demons who just crush your soul so no stress smile pretty hope you enjoy. Lots os love.
- Z

I Guess It Just Happened
RandomIdk really what to say but read it if you will and if you don't that's on you.