Chapter 1

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"Guliette, how many times do I have to tell you not to leave the palace without Rochefort or one of his guards!" Cardinal Richelieu sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "I am your daughter not your prisoner" she shoot back as she crossed her arms in front of her chest and glared at the man sitting in front of her.

"Yes, you are my daughter and you should start to behave like that" he snapped, looking up from the letter he was currently reading. "You can't just run around like a little child. I have enough things to worry about, my dear. I don't know if you missed it but King Louis XIII is younger than you are and so it is on me to take care of that France isn't going to drown in Chaos."

"I am well aware of that father" Guliette replied and lowered her gaze. "And I am sorry for my misbehavior". Acknowledging his daughter's apologie with a small nod he took in her appearance for the first time since Rochefort brought her to him. Knowing that it would displease her father, she was wearing some of her black riding pants, a black corset and a lose lain shirt.

"You will immediately go and change. King Louise wants to see you, Guliette". The disappointment obvious in his voice, her father dismissed Guliette, not bothering to look at her again as he assumed she would do as she was told.

Followed closely by Rochefort, to make sure she wouldn't sneak out again, Guliette made her way to her room to do as the Cardinal wished and change to be presentable for the King. As they reached the wooden doors of her room the young woman turned on her heels to face her father's right hand and captain of the guards. "I think from here I'll be able to take care of myself. Thank you". "As you wish Milady" Rochefort nodded and walked further down the corridor.

Watching the always rather scary looking man until he turned around the corner, Guliette thought about how they actually never had a real conversation except for that once when she was younger and wanted to learn how to use an epee. Rochefort had kneeled down in front of her and spent about half an hour with explaining to her how much time and skill it needs to perfection the art of fencing. She still is sure of that he would have spent another hour with explaining to her how fencing wasn't something for women if her father wouldn't have walked in and needed him elsewhere.

Tearing her thoughts away from Rochefort, Guliette opened the door to her room and made sure to lock it behind her as she didn't want to be disturbed and for her own. Even if it was just for a few minutes. Taking the bag she was carrying off her shoulder, she threw it mindlessly on her bed and took a deep breath. After she calmed down a little she loosened the tight bun her hair was in and let them fall loosely down her back. Guliette knew she should hurry since the King wanted to speak to her but also knowing he had a crush on her she allowed herself to just take some time for herself.

She ran her hands through her long black and wavy hair while she walked over to her closet to choose a dress. Never being the girl she should be with liking horse riding, fencing and adventures rather than all these fancy dresses and jewelry, it didn't took her very long to choose the most comfortable looking dress she owned. "It will do" she muttered and carefully placed the expensive piece of clothing on her bed.

Guliette knew she already took too long to get ready to meet the King so she quickly undressed, except for the corset and threw the light green silk dress on. Eyeing herself in the mirror she got interrupted by a not so soft knock on the door. "The King wishes to see you Milady" she heard the voice of Jussac through the door. "I'll be there in a minute" she replied, her gaze still at the green dress she was wearing. It was in a light shade of green with short sleeves and a belt of silk in a darker shade of green. Her black hair hanging loosely down her shoulders covered most of her bare back since the dress was backless until right under her shoulder blades.

Another, more urgent, knock at the door left her no time to think about if the dress would be long enough to cover the boots she was still wearing. "I am coming" Guliette assured Jussac and quickly unlocked the door. "The King is waiting for you in the great hall" Jussac informed you before he quickly left into the direction Rochefort went earlier. She took a deep breath to arm herself for what was to come and closed the door of her room behind her.

Hurrying along the corridors and clutching the hem of her dress in her hands Guliette didn't want to let the King wait any longer. Almost bursting through the door of the great hall she let go off her dress, hoping he wouldn't notice her boots and slowed down her pace, bowing her head respectfully. "I am so sorry I left you waiting your majesty".

"Ah, Guliette, my dear. Don't worry it's completely fine. I am glad you came" the young king chuckled nervously and smiled. "Would you care to join me for a walk through the Gardens?". "I would be honored, my king" Guliette replied and returned the young king's smile. Offering his arm to her, she linked her arm with his as he lead her outside into the palace's Garden.

"How old exactly are you, if I am allowed to ask?" King Louise broke the silence as she was admiring the beautiful flowers they walked past. "20 my Lord" Guliette replied with a soft smile crossing her features. "20" he mumbled to himself before another smile found it's way onto his face. "What...What about a husband?" the king suddenly asked, a blush dying his cheeks faint red. Guliette, taken by suprise couldn't help but laugh at the young king's question. "No my lord, no husband nor will I be marrying anytime soon". "Ahh yes, good. I mean not good for you but for the man who's you'll be" he stated and watched her as she picked up one of the white primroses. "Believe me my king, I can wait. I am happy for now so I don't need to be anyone's anytime soon" Guliette smiled and put the primrose onto the young king's collar.

As King Louise was about to reply he got interrupted by her father himself, walking towards the both of them. "I am sorry to interrupt you my king but we need your discernment in a matter of your Musketeers. Athos, Porthos, Aramis and a young boy named D'Artagnan".

A/N: soooo first chapter. I know it's quite boring buuut I hope you like it anyway.

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