Chapter 1

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Summer days are the best.

I take in the sun as much as I can knowing that only in two days I will be locked up in the prison some people might also refer to as high school.

New School. New Friends. I say to myself as I stroll into the barn where I keep my horse; however, a little voice in my head keeps reminding how in every single chick flick I've watched, the new girl is almost always bulllied. 

I literally have to drag my horse, Cam, out of his stall where a new bale of hay was already being torn apart by his teeth. His ears are pulled back and he keeps sending me acusing stares as I brush him off and I laugh and try to mentally communicate to him that he will have plenty of time to devour his hay after the trail ride.

I love the barn and always have. It was one of my main coping mechanisms after my parents divorce. I used to just spend hours here, stroking Cam, who after pratically begging on my knees, had moved with my dad and I from Virginia all the way to a quaint little town in Pennslyvania. Cam was my baby and had been a birthday present from my parents. I managed to ride him nearly every single day taking in his rowdy personality and training him to become a gentle giant. 

With my dark chocolate-colored hair streaming behind me in a low pony tail I climb the step-stool and swing my legs over Cam. I stroke his beautiful bay coat before clicking my tongue, sending him into a lazy trot. As we were nearing the trail into the woods I saw a maroon car roll down the barn's driveway. I smiled and waved as I saw Lindsay rolling down her window.

Lindsay was my first (and only) friend in the new town. She and I were in the same grade and she also kept her horse at the same barn that I kept Cam, so we saw each other a lot. We instantly bonded over our love of horses and began to spend time together, either at the barn riding, going out either to shop or eat, or just going over to each other's houses to talk. Lindsay gave me the basic information about our school; who to stay away from, who was nice, and so on. She also told me that the people who went to our school had a difficult time accepting new people into their rock-hard cliques, but she assured me that she would always stay friends with me and help me throughout our Sophmore year.

"Hey Elise!" Lindsay shouted, making Cam jump. She could never quiet down her booming voice even around the horses. 

"Hey Lindsay!" I smiled back at her beaming grin.

"Going for a trail ride again?" she asked. I nodded my head.

"Do you have your phone?" Lindsay questioned. She knew I had a bad habit of leaving my phone behind when I went out by myself.

I chuckled. "Yes Mother,"

She scowled back at me which made my chuckle turn into a laugh.

"Well just be careful out there, when I was back in the woods riding Georgie (her horse) I saw a bee's nest. We don't want Cam getting spooked." 

"I'll try my best to stay away, okay? Dinner at my house tonight? My dad is world-famous for his burgers." 

"Do you think I would ever miss a burger night at the Spruence's house? Meet me back at the barn around four and we can head over to your house," Lindsay responded.

"Okay, see you then!" Lindsay blew a kiss before rolling up her window and driving into her usual parking spot at the barn. I guided Cam back around to the entrance to the woods, and starting to walk through the trails. It was a beautiful afternoon with little specks of light peeking through the canopy of trees. I admired the sight before me, not paying attention to the rest of my surroundings.

But it was too late.

I could hear a faint buzzing sound getting louder as we stepped into the brush, but didn't come to realization until I saw a little body of black and yellow fly straight towards Cam. Oh No! I thought to myself as I grabbed the reins tightly and tried turning Cam away but the little pests edged closer and soon, Cam and I were surrounded. I felt a piecing sting on my leg, but when Cam got stung himself was when all hell broke loose. 

He spooked and darted off deeper into the woods, bucking with all his might to get whatever attacked him off. I yelped at his change of pace and soon felt myself fly into the air. My body hit the ground with such force that my right leg gave a sickening pop. That's when the excruciating pain hit my like a bus full of hippos. I screamed in pain, but knew I had to do something. With black spots clouding my vision I fumbled for my cell phone before dialing Lindsay's cell phone. After four painful rings she picked up.


"Lindsay...I-I'm hurt" I managed to squeez out between breaths.


Pain was shooting though my right leg so much and I began to feel dizzy. "On...On the creek trail," I gasped as tears were now streaming down my face at a rapid pace. 

I saw Lindsay come sprinting up into the woods, anxiety plastered on her face. I made a noise and she came dashing up beside me. I pointed to my leg  which was bent at an awkard angle. She proceeded to carry/drag me through the woods out into the clearing before dialing 911. By then the pain overtook me as everything turned black...


First chapter ever on Wattpad! So excited to be finally writing my own story after waiting to for a while. I hope you enjoyed even though there was no romance yet, you will jsut have to wait and see.. i'm super anxious to find out how the story will turn out on here! Please vote and comment and I will have a new chapter up very soon I hope! 



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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2013 ⏰

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