The meet

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Once upon a time there was a girl named Melissa. She went to Newark Jr High. It was the first day of school she got up from bed and went to school. She met a boy. We walked into her first period that is science. She had her schedule in her hand she made sure she was in the write room. She looked for her name on the desk to see where she had to sit. She looked at the name next to her which said Gerardo and on the other side it said Brandon. Melissa waited for the kids to come. Brandon came in and took a seat next to her. "Hey" said Brandon .
"Hi" said Melissa
After a minute Gerardo came in
Melissa's POV
Wow I thought to myself... I hoped the guy that entered was Gerardo so he could sit next to me the whole year.
Gerardo's POV
I entered the classroom and looked around I was a new kid so I didn't know anybody.
I walked up to the teacher and when I was about to ask my eye caught the attention of a girl. She had an empty seat right next to her(I hope that's were I sit)
"Excuse me Mr" I said
"Can I helped you?" Said the teacher
"yeah my name is Gerardo Torres and I don't know where I sit"
"You sit right next to Melissa kid"
"Who's that?" I ask
"The one in the white"
"ok thank you" I said
I couldn't believe it
I'm going to sit next to her!
Melissa's POV
I can't believe it I thought
That's Gerardo
3rd person POV
"Hey" said Gerardo with a smile on his face
"Hi" said Melissa
"What's your name"
"My name is Melissa"
"Nice name" said Gerardo
"Um thanks.... And your name is Gerardo right?"
"That's right"
"Cool cool nice name" Melissa said
"Thanks I guess"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2016 ⏰

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