In Your Eyes

201 2 0

Pairing: Narry

Word Count: 2,048

Summary: When Harry falls in love with Niall and allows himself to believe that Niall feels the same way, in the heat of the moment, he does something that just may break them.

A/N: So this is not my first major piece of writing. I have written a lot of works that I’ve not shown anyone. I would like to believe that this is one of my better pieces and I hope that you guys enjoy it and give me lots of feedback! –Rochelle xx

It was just one kiss that tipped his world on its side. Just one touch of their lips was enough to change the way Harry saw the world. The way he saw Niall. 

It was kind of ironic, really, how the most intimate of moments could cause the breakdown of Harry and Niall's friendship. Rather clique, too. Harry hated clique, but clique it was. Niall and Harry had been best friends. Harry didn’t know if they still were, but God, he hoped so.

People had started to notice that something was up with the two boys. It would be hard not to. They were always together. Two halves of a whole. Not in the literal sense of the word, or in the soul mate sense of the word, but more like in the splitting-us-up-would-be-like-unintentionally-killing-us sense of the word. They just fit. They were HarryandNiall. Not Niall Horan and Harry Styles separately, but together, they were HarryandNiall. They were just best friends. As tight as brothers.

They never were anything more than friends. At least not until now. Harry really didn’t know what had changed. Niall was still the same Niall. The same Niall he’d eaten sand with in the sand pit when they were five. The same Niall he’d played football with in the seventh grade. The same Niall who had accidentally broken his arm when they were fifteen and the same Niall he’d been put into a band with. He was still the same Niall. But Harry’s feelings toward him had changed.

He didn’t know how, he didn’t know why, and he didn’t know when. But when it came to falling in love, he guessed that to anyone, those terms were practically non-existent.

Harry and Niall were the stereotypical version of best friends, he supposes, if that even made sense.

They watched movies together late at night and cuddled on the couch. They fooled around together and they jokingly hugged and kissed. Or at least it used to be a joke.

Harry didn’t even want to think back to that fateful day when he had ruined everything, but these days, that’s all that was running through his mind. His sub conscious just kept replaying how warm and soft Niall’s lips had felt against his and how it had felt like fireworks were erupting around them, and thinking about it just hurt more.


Harry heard the loud rumble of an engine as a familiar car idled in his driveway, and then he flinched at the sharp sound of a door slamming. He wasn’t expecting anyone, let alone Niall, and his green eyes were wide and surprised as he watched Niall’s blonde head of hair bob up and down as he made his way up the porch steps and to the front door, his shoulders slouched and sagging.

He looked horrible, and just that tiny observation filled Harry with so much hope. Hope that maybe Harry wasn’t the only one struggling with their separation. And then Niall was standing on the porch, his shaking hand steadily rising so he could rap his fingers against the soft wood of the door.

Harry’s heart was just about pounding out of his chest, and for a moment he didn’t know what to do. He contemplated just locking himself inside his bedroom and pretending he wasn’t here, because he really didn’t feel like facing Niall right now. But he owed Niall this much, if nothing else, so he gulped in a few deep breaths and steadied himself against the kitchen table. Niall beat his fist impatiently against the door and Harry smiled in spite of himself. That was just like Niall to be impatient even in the most complicated situations.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2013 ⏰

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