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Heyyy guys! It's Miles.

If the title doesn't explain it, this is gonna be a little book of random headcanons for various youtubers! Most of these are (probably, some are though) not canon. If they are, I'll let you know.

These are just things I come up with sometimes, and just ways I might imagine them. If a past headcanon is changed by a future one, the chapter will have a (X) in the beginning.

For example,

___ has a strong love for his pet rock.

If this were to be changed by something, such as maybe the rock being crushed..

The original chapter would be changed, looking like this:

(X) ___ has a strong love for his pet rock.

Simple enough, right?

Also, you can submit your own headcanons too! If they're good suggestions,  I'll add them and credit you for it of course.

For now, I'll stop talking (Typing?xD) and let you go enjoy the headcanon chaos.


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