Well, I'll BY GRILLed

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Friends: WORK SLAVE! *whip cracks*
I was walking down in the underground, near Snowdin, with the soft flakes of snow floating towards the ground. I look around for Grillby's, pulling my jacket closer to me. I spot the restaurant and run towards it. It was nice out here, but it was really cold. I open the door and walk in. I spot my friend Sans at the bar, like always. He was cracking jokes to Grillby, then turned his head slightly to his left to look at me. "wow, y/n. you're looking pretty chilled to the bone." The whole restaurant started rousing with a warm laughter. "Well you wouldn't know what it felt like, since nothing really gets under your skin." I say. Everyone was laughing slightly louder. "say," He started. "how did you know I was going to be here?" He winked at me. "Oh, I just felt it in my bones. I just thought I'd jump out of my skin to join you." The place started bursting with laughter. Damn, everyone must be in a good mood today. "i don't know if i should put a little more backbone into these jokes, but then again it is tibia expected that i'll get lazy and not try as hard to make a skele-ton of them... dang... i'm such a bonehead." He replied. The restaurant was howling with laughter. Sans leaned into my ear. "i think we should take a break." He said. I nodded and ordered a burger. "so, what are you doing here?" Sans asked. Grillby handed me a burger and I took a bite out of the burger and finished chewing to talk. "I knew you were gonna be here," I shrugged. "So I decided to come here and chat." Sans was smiling, as usual. "thanks, i could use the company, kid."

  Sans and I talked for a while. He offered me to his house, and I accepted. He takes me to his house and we both sat on the couch and watched TV. It was Mettaton's game show. We both leaned in the couch and relaxed. Sans and I were talking while listening to the music from the show.
"hey, y/n? what do robots say at a funeral?" He asked. I smiled, knowing that this was a joke. "I don't know, what?" He looked at me and said, "rust in peace." Sans and I started laughing. Then, I heard a voice from upstairs. "SANS!" That was Papyrus. He hated Sans's puns. His voice rang through the household. Hearing him say that just made us laugh more. We told robot puns back and forth whith Papyrus screaming at us in between. After we were done laughing, we had to catch our breath. I was breathing rapidly, I stopped after a few minutes. My mouth hurt from smiling so much. It's pretty obvious that I'm really vulnerable to jokes.

  "hey kid, i think it's time for you to go now. Your house probably misses you." Sans said. I yawned and nodded. "you gonna be able to get home on your own, y/n?" He asked. I was half asleep. It was 11:45 PM. "I-I-I don' know." I said, slurring  the words as if I were drunk. "you can stay here if you want." He said. That was the last thing I heard before I went to sleep.

Sans' POV

"heh, night, kiddo." i said, walking back to my room. i flopped on my bed and went to sleep.

Timeskip in Your POV.

I woke up on Sans' couch. Sans was sitting next to me, watching TV. "oh, sorry, kid. did i wake you?" He asked. I shook my head and yawned. He grinned wider than usual. "wow, you're such a lazy bones." He says. I giggle. "Wow, your puns are really... Humerus." I say, giggling. I guess we both decided to stop, because it just awkwardly got quiet. "Hey, Sans. You wanna go for a walk?" I said. We spend a lot of time together as best friends, but our two other friends, Alphys and Undyne, have already started fanfictions of us sharing a domestic life together. Sans makes jokes about it, while I hope it comes true. Alphys got me into a little Sans crush by starting those fanfictions. "let's go in Waterfall this time. here, i know a shortcut." He says. He holds out his hand and I grab it.

Once he takes one of his "shortcuts", we teleport to Waterfall. He doesn't let go of my hand, and I blush a bit, but I shook it off. I grip his hand a bit tighter, but I guess he noticed it, because I saw a bit of blue dust across his face as he looked down slightly. This will be a long walk.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2016 ⏰

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