Teenage Dirtbag (One Direction One Shot)

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          “Harry, get out of bed right now! If you skip one more day of school I will beat your arse so hard you won’t be able to sit for a month!” My mum shouts up at me.

       “Love you too, mum.” I mumble under my breath. I stumble over to my wardrobe. I pull out a green T-shirt and a grey sweatshirt. I slip those on then grab an old pair of blue jeans, ripped in many places. I grab a grey beanie and pull it over my poor excuse for hair. I brush my teeth then walk downstairs. I pour myself a bowl of cereal and eat it grumpily. My mum quirks and eyebrow at me.

      “Why’re you so grumpy, honey?” She asks. Gemma walks in.

      “Is today the normal morning grumpiness or is this about Emma?” She smirks. I glare at her.

        “Who’s Emma?” My mum asks. I drop my bowl in the sink.

        “No one, mum, I have to get to school.” I run out the front door and grab my skateboard. I skate to my bud Louis’ house where Zayn is waiting. He is having a smoke.

        “Want one?” He offers me as he does every day.

        “No.” I reply as I do every day. I’m the only one in our group besides Liam that doesn’t smoke. Zayn shrugs and continues with his cigarette. Louis comes out his front door all bubbly and cheery.

        “Morning lads. Zayn, can I bump one?” Louis asks. Zayn passes him a stick and lights it for him. Louis takes a drag.

        “Alright, let’s get to school. My mum threatened to beat me if I skipped again.” I mumble.

        “What’s with you, Mr. Grumpy Pants?” Louis chuckles. I just groan.

        “I don’t know, I’m just in a bad mood.” I grumble. I hop on my skateboard and slowly skate next to them.

        “It’s Emma, In’t it?” Zayn asks me.

        “Yesterday Nathan asked her to the Fall Ball. Wonder what she said?” I inform them.

        “Come on, you know she’s just too nice to say no.” Louis tries to console me.

        “Yeah, right. She’d never say yes to me. I’m a loser.” I say.

        “Come on, mate. You’re not a loser.” Zayn pushes. I would reply but Niall hops on Louis.

        “Oi! Get off me you tosser!” Louis laughs, trying to sound serious, but failing miserably.

        “Hey guys.” Liam greets. Niall takes a cig from Zayn and lights up. Liam sighs. “Will you three ever even consider quitting? It’s terrible for your health.”

        “Yea guys, it’s going to kill you.” I add.

        “Gotta die somehow, right?” Niall chuckles. I just scowl at him. “Aw, is our wittle Harry upset about Emma?”

        “We can talk to her for you, you know?” Liam suggests. Niall and Liam are good friends with Emma because they happen to be on the cross country team with her brother.

        “I know how’d that conversation would go. ‘Emma, you know my friend Harry, right?’ ‘No, there’s a Harry in our school?’. I’d love to get embarrassed like that.” I grumble.

        “Let’s just leave him to his wallowing. What are we doing for homeroom? Skipping?” Louis asks.

        “I’ll skip, Zayn, what about you?” Niall asks. Zayn nods and looks to me.

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