I groaned as I hopped out of the bus. "Bye, Riley-dear!" my bus driver chirped happily, though I know she doesn't like driving kids from school to home daily.
"Bye, Edna!" I smile, "Thanks for the drive. Have a good weekend."
"You too!" she replies kindly.
"Thank you." I start walking to my house and when I do, I fall on the couch.
My eyes flutter and they close, I smile and inhale. I move a bit until I am fully asleep, away from tough reality I have to live in every day.
Ring Ring.
Are you kidding me?! I groan and stretch and grab my phone. Its an unknown number, odd, I do a face and click answer, I put it to my ear and start with a typical, normal 'Hello?'
"Hello, is you refrigerator running?"
"Who is this?" I ask confused.
"That's not how it goes," the man replies, laughing in the background.
"I'm sorry," I roll my eyes, "Want me to go with your prank phone call?"
"Nah, you're too serious and uptight for prank phone calls by me." he cockily replies, I cock my eyebrow.
"Why did you emphasize 'me' like you were actually...important and people would be star struck by you?" I ask.
"Because I am incredibly important and people are star struck by me."
"Nah, you're just an average person. Bye!" I hang up going back to sleep.