The Rise of the Demons

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I have a little problem that most teenagers don’t have; I fight off demons every day and save lives from little girls to little pups. I go from village to village with my two teammates Christopher and Arella.  Christopher is a tall guy, black hair and blue eyes and he has one of the most strategical minds I have ever seen. Overall he is smart and logical, but he’s fun to hang out with unless you piss him off then you’re in for some serious bitching. With our fights Christopher is a good addition I mean he is an exorcist/alchemist. Then there's Arella I have openly admired her since we have met but she doesn’t really seem to notice and if she does she thinks I’m kidding. Arella is just a little shorter than Christopher and I. Arella has black hair with red streaks in it and has black eyes. She can be bossy at times but is powerful and doesn’t know her own limits when she uses magic incantations. I’m an average heighted guy, black hair and dark brown eyes. I am considered a tough person and I’m an excellent warrior balanced in strength and speed. I also have a scar that goes from the bottom of my left eye to my chin. Demons still can kick my ass but never easily. Oh and my names Josh and I fight with duel swords.

   “Hey Josh are you alright that was a pretty hard hit you took. “Said Christopher.

 ”Uhhh yeah I’m fine I’ll feel better once that demons down.” I replied.

 “Well you know the drill get it down so I can exorcise it.” Christopher said.

 “Alright leave that to me” I grunted.

“Hey guys I just hate to interrupt but I can use some help here.” Arella said while using a binding spell to contain the demon.

“I can’t’ hold out much longer.” She continued.

“On my way.” Said Christopher. “No I want kill this one.” I interrupted.

“Hey ass hole don’t pick on the girl and get your fat ass over here.” I yelled. The demon turned its head towards me and charged. “Oh crap what did I just do?” I yelled. Suddenly, my instincts took over and I had no control over what I was doing. My body leaped over the beast, landed on its head, took out my duel swords, and stabbed the demon through its eyes. The demon fell in a puddle of its own blood. ”Hey Christopher I’m all done do your stuff.” I said. “That fast good job.” He said looking as glum as ever.

            Christopher walked slowly towards the demon and took out a staff and dragged it through the demons tar like blood. He picked up the staff and drew a circle with ancient words and drawings inside of it. Then he said a small chant in Latin and there was a huge explosion and a shower of light. When the light and dust cleared the only remaining thing of the demon is the destruction it caused. I helped Arella up, walked towards Christopher and we walked away without a word.

“HEY!” Someone said. I turned around and a little kid ran up to me to me with a basket.

 ”The village wanted to give this to you as reward. It should have everything you need it has money, food, and water.” The boy said. “Umm thanks” I said. The boy through his arms around me and said “Thank you so much” He said. I was still in shock over the hug but I hugged him back. After I let go he hugged Christopher and Arella the same way.

“Thank you again.” He said.

“You’re welcome.” I said and then he ran off. “Well that’s something we don’t see every day.” Arella said casually but sarcastically.

            We slowly walked away as if nothing happened at that small town. “Hey Josh what’s the next town on the map.” Christopher asked.

As I dug through my pockets to get the map I said “At the next town we are going to have to buy a backpack or something.” I opened the map and said “Our next stop is the village of Luna.”

“Sounds interesting. I can’t wait to see it” Arella said.

“I think….”  I said.

“Whoa wait…. You think. Hahahahahaha!” Christopher said.

“As I was saying I think we should set up camp here.” I suggested.

“Yeah we should there’s a nice little stream nice soft grass and a big ‘ole apple tree.” Said Arella.

“Well aren’t you in a good mood today.” Said Christopher.

“Surprisingly yes I am thanks for noticing.” Arella said playfully.

“……….. I’m hungry” I said while putting up a tent. “Yeah me too” Christopher commented.

“Hey Arella what is in that basket?” I asked.

“Just some bread, lettuce, potato, raw meat, some matches, tomato’s, a few hundred Calabi, and that’s about it.

“What should we eat?” I asked. “Ummm maybe some burgers and fries.”  Christopher recommended.

“Humph okay are you okay with it Arella?  ”I asked.

“Uhhh sure why not.” She replied. 

“Christopher go get some wood. Arella gather some water and apples.” I commanded.

“Yeah, yeah whatever.” Arella said lazily.

“Sure.” Christopher said. And when they had gotten back I had started a fire and afterwards we ate like demons and then hit the hit they hay.

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