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Alex's Pov
It was dawn, cold and still half dark and I was running. Running faster and harder than I had ever run before. My shoulder flared with pain where he bit me. I could still hear his words echoing in my ears. 'Little Red could't hide from the Big Bad Wolf and neither can you. No matter how far you run or how well you think you hid, I will find you.' I could still hear the screams of my parents as he ripped them to shreds. I could still hear their pleads for mercy. My lungs burned and my legs felt like jelly. I'd been running for hours but I couldn't stop now. He was close, I could feel his footfalls on the ground. I could hear him gasping for breath. I could smell him, whiskey and burnt flesh and blood. He smelt like blood, coppery and wet. My vision started to blur at the edges but I didn't slow down, he was falling behind. I could hear him but fainter. I could feel him but further away. I could smell him but not as close. I ran until the sun came up completely. He was gone and I was near a forest. I walked to the trees and climbed into one. I climbed until I felt sure that he wouldn't find me. It smells safe here. Like pine and water. "How? He turned into a wolf. He bit me. Does that mean that I'll turn into a wolf? How did I outrun a wolf?" I asked myself. I caught my breath in the tree, I wrapped my shoulder with a piece of fabric from the bottom of my shirt and managed to fall asleep for a little while. I woke up to the sounds of screams and howling. I almost fell out of the tree but I managed to catch myself. I looked at the sky and tried to guess the time. I think it's about midday. If it's midday why are there howls? I kept listening and realized that I could understand them. "New wolf in the forest." "Female wolf, but she also smells human." "We should find her." They stopped talking and I waited. 5 minutes later I heard the sound of running animals. I saw the first wolf stop at the base of my tree. They all stopped behind the first one. There were about 20 of them. All of a sudden they blurred and turned into people, there were 18 guys and 2 females. This is crazy. Werewolves aren't real. I'm still dreaming. This is just a bad dream. I'm going to wake up at home in bed any minute. The first man looked up at me. "Please come down. We won't hurt you." He said. "You'll have to forgive me if I don't. The last wolf I met killed my parents and bit me." I replied. "Is that why your shoulder is wrapped?" He asked. "Yeah. So I'll stay up here until I can be sure that I can trust you."

Hello friends it is I.
This is a story that I started writing in English when I forgot my book.

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