Chapter six- Boy ,your a fast old lady !

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Chapter 6

As i looked over a Lucian, it seemed as if he was trying to compose himself or something. That

was probably a good idea, i wouldn't want to have to hurt him for being an idiot. He sighed and said

"Are you with him now ? Really? Even after what you told me about not wanting to date people you

barely know ?! " Sounding like he could be pushed over the edge with one wrong move. But

i honestly didn't care if her was mad. I felt bad that i rejected him, then started seeing someone

else right after. Even if i barely knew the guy, I felt like he could be someone really important to me.

 None the less i still i hated it  when people yelled at me, so i

got defencive " Yes ! what if i am ! Why do you care so much ?! I like i said before we barely know

each other and it really was only one kiss for shits sake !!"

I got all up in his face and then started screaming at him full of  anger. He looked at me

frustrated and said "Because for some reason i'm really starting to like you ! I have no idea why !

You treat me like I'm some evil fiend and yell and me all the time,..... but i can't help but like you !" I

He said hopelessly and looked down at the dark wood floor like it told the secrets of life.

God i didn't know what to think anymore. I looked at him then for some reason I felt the need to

comfort him. He looked so upset, and it was mostly my fault...... so being the idoit i am, I pulled him

into a hug. After

recovering from shock. He hugged me back fiercely , like i was going to run away or disappear. After

a few moments i tried to pull back but he wouldn't let me. I looked up and saw need in his eyes.

Which slightly freaked me out cause i had no experience with all this love bullshit. He bent to kiss

me, but i struggled to make him let me go. He wouldn't budge though, of course he was a lot

stronger then me too. Which didn't put me into a very good situation. Then i kicked him in the shin,

not knowing what else to do, and ran away down the corridor. As I ran I started to cry, feeling so

mixed up about everything.  

Then  I little while later In another random hallway I collided with someone.  I mumbled sorry and

looked down at an old women who looked to be  about 100 or something. She had soft brown eyes

and hair in a tight bun right at the top of her head.  She wore a long purple dress that had the same

weird writing like on Lucian's wand. I felt a stab

of guilt, for kicking him and running while he was pouring his heart out to me. "Well hello young

one, what the rush ?" She said in a thick accent i couldn't figure out.

I looked down and then she must have noticed my tears, because she

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