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America stood at the edge of the Empire State building in New York. A cold winter breeze blew across his emotionless face as he looked down at the cars and taxis in the road below him. He can only hear his fast heartbeat and his steady breath as he clinged on to the wall of the skyscraper.

"HEY KID GET DOWN HERE!" yelled a policeman through a megaphone, "IT'S NOT SAFE FOR YOU!"

America loosened his grip but he didn't fall. He looked at the crowd below, watching out of curiosity. Police cars, firetrucks, and ambulances surrounded the building. A bunch of firemen rushed into the building to help America while one of the firetrucks raised a ladder.


Family. Friends.

Those two words repeated in his head. America gritted his teeth as a flow of memories rushed through his brain.

He remembered how England told America he never does anything right, how Canada was tired of being teased and beat up because of America, how every nation at the world conference thinks he's loud and annoying.

He didn't have family or friends anymore. None of that mattered. They didn't care. They want him to die.

Now all that's left was for America to find out if super heroes can fly.

America didn't listen to the yelling and crying crowd down below. He took a deep breath. With his heart pounding in his chest, he let go of his grip on the wall.

America smiled as he felt the air rushing past his body as he fell down. Heroes can fly after all.

He closed his eyes and waited for his death to come. He was closer and closer to the ground when-

"AHH!" America woke up abruptly and nearly fell off his bed. He sat there for a few minutes, hearing his fast heartbeat. Breathing deeply, he looked around his room.

There were american flags hung in his bedroom and cheeseburger wrappers scattered carelessly on the wooden floor. Posters of super heroes were on the walls, especially posters of Captain America. A worn-out table carried a flat screen tv with a variety of video game consoles inside the cabinets.

America let out a heavy sigh of relief. It was just a bad nightmare.

A loud beeping noise rang around his bedroom as America glanced at his alarm clock. 10:30 AM.

America nearly jumped up in shock. He just remembered. The world conference starts at 9:55.

"Oh no..." America said as he stared at his alarm clock. Quickly, he dug through a pile of clothes in a corner and pulled out a gray sweatshirt and some jeans. He put his jeans on and put his sweatshirt as soon as he was out his bedroom door.

America ran to his kitchen and opened a cabinet filled with hamburger wrappers. He threw some wrappers on the floor as he searched for some pop tarts. America looked at his watch. 10:35 AM.

He shoved a strawberry flavored pop tart in his mouth and raced for the files on his coffee table in the living room. America grabbed the folders and ran out the door.

He left his apartment and went down the stairs into the garage. He quickly entered his dirty car and shoved the files in his sweatshirt pocket.

With a sigh of relief, America jammed his key in and started the engine. He turned the radio on. A calm country song with a soothing voice singing was on the radio. America liked that song.

It was a fifteen minute drive to the conference building. Since the conference is located in the city where America lived, it was easy to get there quickly.

During the drive, America was thinking about his nightmare, trying to remember what he dreamed about. He looked around the crowded city as the calm country song transitioned to a fast paced pop song.

Buildings and shops were placed on every street with tourists and residents walking on the sidewalks and wearing big coats. The streetlights stayed on and America can see the bright light peering through the fog.

Restaurants carried the fresh aroma of baked goods, breakfast specialties, and coffee. America glanced at a McDonalds in one of the streets and was tempted to stop by, but he remembered he was late.

Suddenly, his car halted to a stop. Anerica poked his head out his car window and saw a long line if cars, beeping and honking.He didn't notice how cold it was this morning. Fog and smoke were everywhere. Traffic.

America sighed and cussed under his breath. A puff of cold air came out of his mouth. As he sat back in his seat, he saw the tallest building in the city.

With the radio quietly playing in the background, America gazed at the beauty above him. It seemed to poke through the clouds in the sky. With the mist and the fog surrounding it, the lights in the windows seemed bright. It looked beautiful that way.

It stood 55 feet tall with 30 floors and about 498 residents living there. Windows were dimly lighted with gray curtains covering the glass.

A child with brown hair was being carried by his mother while looking down the window to see the vehicles moving in the streets. Another man was talking to someone on his phone and was walking around the room. America saw a bunch of teens walking out the building, laughing and talking while carrying their backpacks.

The building looked familiar. America couldn't put his finger on it. It seemed like he seen this building before somewhere but he doesn't know where. He never drove this way in the city unless there was a conference. And they have world conferences twice a year.

A loud honking sound pierced his ears as he was snapped out of his thoughts. As he turned around, he saw an angry taxi driver yelling at him from his car.

"Sorry!" America said quickly and immediately pressed his foot on the engine. The traffic was gone and America continued driving to the conference.

He glanced over at his leather watch to look at the time. 10:55 AM. America groaned and sat up in his seat. He accepted the fact that he was late. Oh well.

Authors note: This is my first fanfiction so it will have mistakes CALM YO SELFS. This will get really depressing in the third OR second chapter so prepare your tissues. HETALIA AND AMERICA BELONGS TO THEIR OWNERS DONT YELL AT ME BLARDJSSIXNXMSSSEI

*Eat hamburgers eredai

*Wrote this all on my ipad givemeanapplausethankyou

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2013 ⏰

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