Roselyn's Story, A Battle of Life

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hey everyone!! okay so i got an idea for this new story and i thought i would share it with all you lovely people on wattpad:)  PLEASE let me know what you think so far! I will upload the next chapter and it will reveal what the life changing event(you'll read about it in the intro)

alright i think thats it… enjoy!


Hello there. My name is Roselyn Sparks, and I am here to tell you my story.  Before I start though, you must know that my story does not have a happy ending. My story is slightly backwards you see, instead of my life sucking and becoming wonderful and having a fairy tale ending, we start with my life as it was about a year ago, almost perfect with my best friend Claire, loving family, and of course my perfect boyfriend Clay. 

So that is where I will begin, September 2010, a week before I found something out that changed my life forever.


I smiled and stood on my tip toes, kissing Clay lightly on the licks. He smiled and hugged me aground the waist, wiping some yellow paint off of my cheek. We were both sitting in my room, him playing with my long curls of hair as I painted on one of the many random canvases I kept around, until I 'accidentally' dripped some blue paint on his face. From there it turned into a paint war, ending in my face being completely yellow, and Clay covered in blue and pink paint. I kissed him one more time, then walked over to my bathroom, closing the door in Clay's face as he tried to  come in with me. I laughed and quickly stripped down, turning on the shower and jumping in.  I stood in the warm water for 10 minutes before shampooing and washing my body free of paint. I reluctantly got out of the warm stream of water, wrapping a towel around myself and walked out, leaving the shower on so that Clay could shower off too. I heard Clay take a sharp intake of breath as I stood there in a very small towel. I smirked and threw him a towel(OF HIS OWN! I didn't strip down, don't worry) and he reluctantly walked into the bathroom, grumbling to himself. I laughed and grabbed a pair of skinnies and a black shirt, pulling them on. I heard the shower turn off and went to go sit on the bed, when a wave of pain invaded my head. I fell down to my knees, squeezing my eyes shut. The door opened and Clay came out. "Babe have you seen my- oh my god! Rose! Rosie?! Whats going on?!" He started to panic. "My. Head." I managed to choke out. He sighed in understanding and placed a comforting hand on my back, knowing there was nothing he- or anyone for that matter- could do to help. We just had to wait until the pain went away on its own. 

This has been happening for the past month, more and more frequently as the weeks went by. After a while the pain subsided, Clay helped me downstairs to the kitchen, getting me a glass of water and an aspirin. "Okay Rose, we really need to take you to a doctor, something could be seriously wrong!" he said, concern written all over his beautiful face. I swallowed the small pill and went over, caressing his cheek in my small palm. "Don't worry baby, I'm fine." I said, sighing when his face showed doubt. "Seriously, lets just forget about it. Lets go to a movie or something." I really didn't want to go see a movie, but if it would ease his mind, I would go see one. Clay sighed this time, taking a hold o my hand and pulling me to himself. "I know you never really want to go anywhere after your migraines."  Migraines…  I thought to myself. I knew these were something more then regular migraines, even though I really wish thats all they were. 

Right then my younger sister decided to walk in, and I watched as her eyes grew large, taking in my boyfriend. Who was still only wearing a towel. I jumped in front of Clay, pushing him back towards my room. "Go change." I said quickly, and he walked swiftly back to my room. "Ummm….." Grace said. "Don't mention this again, and we wont have to worry about this awkward thing going on right here."  I said, gesturing between the two of us. Grace nodded eagerly, her blue eyes large, and ran out of the room, her short black hair flying behind her. Oh the innocence of being 12… I sighed and walked over to my room. I opened the door to find a shirtless Clay laying on top of my bed. He turned towards me, smiling shyly when he noticed me standing there. "Umm, I couldn't find my shirt…" he said. I laughed, walking up and laying down on the bed next to him, putting my head on his chest. This was the life…

If only I had known how short of a time I had to enjoy it.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2011 ⏰

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