You talk to me and say these things
Its hard for me to listen
The words you speak
It is not me
But still its your decission
To tittle me for one who sees
Everything for just herself
Who could care less and makes a mess
For everyone els to clean
When are you going to get the fact
Im not an asswhole im just sad
And that its normal for teenage girl to be all mean and hate the world
To smile one second and frown the next
To feel in love to be obsessed
But for somee reason you dont get that
To you im that child you have to ask
Why the attituide ungrateful one
You have so much but still so glum
Somtimes it seems that you dont care
If i die now youll be nowhere
But dancing under a rain of cash
Shaking your little whoreish ass
Theyd say that and i would cry
Cause all the needs to open eyes
Im not ungrateful, or hate the world
But yes like fun, is that a crime?
And if it is ill do the time
Cause thats just the child i am
Wait hand and foot at your command
But you will never see the real me
Cause you are you and I am me