A Typical Day

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"Why don't you do everyone a favor and go kill yourself already?" I hear someone yell in my direction as I walk the halls to my class. Its only third period and I've already been shoved into the lockers three times, had my books knocked out of my hands twice and been told to kill myself at least four times that I can recall; not that I'm really counting. Sadly this is just a typical day for me but I had managed to miss my morning run in with Mandy, that at least was a good thing; but like always good things never last long. I'm almost to my class when I get this eerie feeling, "Hey, Freak show". Looking towards my class, I know if I ran for it I could make it but if I don't deal with it now it'll only be worse later.

With a sigh I turn around and face the beast, "Hi Mandy, How are you? You missed our meet up this morning I was so worried you were sick or something," I say as she walks up to me. "I had some other business to attend to but lucky for you I've got a free period and and can give you all my undivided attention," cracking her neck. "Mandy as much as I would love that and truly I would, you see I still have class and I'm already late so I'll have to take a rain check," I say turning around only to find myself face to face with Mandy's minions. "Sally, Molly, Polly, how wonderful to see you guys but as I was just telling Mandy here I'm running late to class, so if you don't mind," Sally sticks her arm out to stop me from moving. "Looks like you've been excused from class today freak show" yells Mandy. "Shit" I mumble. I'm now backed against the lockers the four of them circled around me. "What was that she says taking a step closer to me? "Hi Mrs. Melonbocker" I say waving my hand over Mandy's head. Mandy turns to look and I take my chance to escape and take off running. "Grab her" screamed Mandy and they all begin chasing me.

I run around the corner, down the stairs and down another hallway. Where are all the hall monitors??? I'm running out of places to run. I have to think fast they're catching up to me. I spot a door slightly open, I decide to take the chance and dart into the room closing the door behind me. A moment later I hear footsteps outside, "Damn it where did she go?" ask one of the girls. I hear a loud grunt and then the stomping of feet in the opposite direction. I let a sigh of relief, I'm about to open the door when there's a tap on my shoulder.

"Can I help you?" Someone asks. I jump nearly out of my skin knocking down the person behind me and some how managing to trip and fall on top of them. We both let out a groan, as I sit up. I look down to see  who it is and start freaking out, "oh my god Dallas I'm so sorry" I yell getting up. I then look around and realize were standing by the pool and he's in his trunks soaking wet. He stands up, "its fine I guess I shouldn't have snuck up on you like that" he says running his hand through his hair and looking at the ground. "It's my fault I shouldn't have just barged in here I was just trying to get away from... Mr. Pepper he almost caught me skipping" I say.

"Mr Pepper whose out of town the next two weeks for a family funeral? Or is there another Mr. Pepper I don't know about?" He looks at me with a grin knowing he caught me in a lie "oh well um you see I didn't really get a good look at him I just saw a male teacher coming and ran so it really could've been anyone..." I start rambling. He shakes his head laughing at with a smirk. "Look just don't come to me for some alibi for whatever trouble you got yourself into Skylar" he says picking up his towel and walking in the boys locker room. I let out a huge sigh I didn't realize I was holding and walk out the door. Once I make sure the cost is clear I make my way towards my car. Figure I might as well grab some food now since I'm already late for class. I'm half way to my car when I realize they got my car surrounded. "Great, just great" I mumble to myself. I turn around to head back in but the door is locked... Now what. I slide down on the ground in front of the door in defeat.

I hear a tap on the glass to the door. I look up and there's Dallas. I stand up and step away from the door. He opens it and I step inside. "What are you doing?" He asks me all confused. "Car wouldn't start" I quickly say. He looks at me as if he doesn't believes me but he just shrugs and says "bad luck". "Yea, today's just a bad luck kinda day" I reply. He laughs and starts to open the door, he stops for a second turs around and looks at me "Look, I was going to grab a bite to eat you wanna ride?" He asks. "Uh sure, that be awesome actually" I reply. We start heading towards his car which I was really hoping wasn't anywhere near mine. Luckily he was in the back parking lot. "Mandy's definitely trying to hunt someone down, I wouldn't wanna be them," he says as we drive pass my car. "Yea" I reply quickly turning my face away from the window. Dallas watches me for a moment. It seemed like he wanted to ask something but he turned his attention back to the road.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29 ⏰

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