Chapter 1

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The day their lives changed

Snow's POV

I had my daughter last month and she was a gift from above. My husband and I decided to show her off to our kingdom for all to see.

"Ladies and Gentleman. Boys and Girls. Families of our beloved Kingdom. My wife and I present out daughter Princess Emma." My husband says holding our daughter up for the kingdom to see.

"All hale Princess Emma." Our subjects cheer.

The people came close and looked upon a precious baby girl. When the doors swung open and the Evil Queen appeared. The dwarfs all circled the baby and Charming stepped in front of me.

"Sorry Im late." Regina says with an evil look.

"Your not suppose to be here." I say from behind my prince.

"My dearest Snow I bought dear little Emma a gift." Regina says magically knocking out everyone expect Charming, the dwarfs, and I.

"Magic Regina. Your using you magic to hurt our daughter." Charming says to her.

"No of course not, but since you asked." Regina says flashing Emma into her arms.

"Dont hurt her! Dont take my baby!" I say.

"Im going to do much worse. Little Emma with a life to grand and a wonder so fun. You get a gift just for you since your parents never chock under pressure and when they do get nervous they make me look bad. My gift to you is that when ever you get scared or nervous you will turn into a.....Swan." Regina says and hits Emma with magic.

"Why have you done?" I ask her crying.

"Not only do you have a daughter, but I also gave you a pet." She says flashing away.

I was again holding Emma and cried looking at her.

"We cant let anyone know about this." I say to the boys.

"What will we do?" Charming asked.

"Anything it takes to help our baby." I say to him.

6 years later

"Mommy! Mommy! Somethings wrong." Emma yells coming in my room.

"Whats the matter?" I asked her.

"Uhhh... Uhhh..." She says and turns into a Swan.

"Charming!" I yell.

"Yes.... Is that Emma?" He asks me.

"Yep it is." I tell him.

After a few minutes later she was herself again.

"Mommy! Daddy! Whats wrong?" She asks.

"Em when you were a baby The Evil Queen Regina cursed you to turn into a Swan when you get scared or nervous." Charming tells her.

"Is that bad?" She asks.

"No, but we cant let anyone know. Only your mommy, the dwarfs, and I know. Can you keep it to yourself?" Charming asks her.

"Ok Daddy." She says hugging him.

12 years later

Emma's 18th birthday

We were having a party for Emma. All of the kingdom was here to celebrate the birth of my beautiful baby girl. The party was in full swing when everyone went to sleep.

"Emma come here." Charming says.

But she had turned into a Swan. I went over to her a picked her up.

"Nice Swan or should I say daughter." Rumplestitskin says walking up.

"Excuse me." I say to him.

"Oh please dearie I know that Regina cursed your daughter, but I can undo it if your daughter would be with my son Baelfire." He tells us.

Emma switched back from the Swan and looked at him.

"You can do that for her?" I ask him.

"Yeah I can." He says.

"Emma what do you say about that. Date his son and this Swan thing is over." Charming tells her.

"No! We all agreed that I date whoever I want. Im not doing it." Emma tells us.

"Well then." Rumple says flashing magic at her.

"What did you do?" Charming asks.

"Add another curse." Rumple says throwing water at Emma.

Before we knew it she had a tail. Charming and I looked at each other and then at Emma and Rumple had flashed away.

"Dang it." She says flapping her mermaid tail.

10 years later.
Emma's 28th birthday

We didnt have anyone over for the last 10 years Emma staid away from everyone she was scared of turning into a Swan and being a Mermaid she didnt want to be seen as a freak.

"Hey Mom." Emma says walking in to the breakfast hall.

"Hey doll wanna do something today?" I ask her.

"No not at all." She says.

"Emma?" Charming says to her.

"No." She says.

She spent the rest of her day in her room. Our cook made Emma's dinner. As we were eating the lights when out and when they went back on people were sleeping and the Wicked Witch was standing there.

"Hello Charming's." She say to us.

"Look we dont want any trouble around here." I tell her.

"We dear Snow White listen to me I can make you daughter human again as long as you both kill The Evil Queen and steal the dagger from the Dark One." She says to is.

"We cant do that we are good people." Charming tells her.

She uses magic on Emma and flashed away, but we didnt see anything. Until Emma hands started glowing of magic and now what are we going to do. My daughter is part Swan, part Mermaid, and now witch. A week later I made my way to Emma's room and she was gone. Come to think of it I havent seen her all week. Where the hell did my little girl go.

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