PROLOGUE - How it began

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My name is Aliana and my life is normal.  Well as normal as someones life can be, but still I loved it. I had my group of friends who I loved with all my heart and my future ahead of me after all I was seventeen at the time it all started. Before I go into full details of my life story let me tell you how it began.
Aliana's P.O.V

"Mom do we really have to go to the store this late its almost seven o'clock  and I still have homework to do"

I asked my mom who has this habit of doing everything last minute. I've gotten used to it but every once in a while it does annoy me.

"Yes we have to go to the store at this time"

she made a mocking voice halfway through her response and we both couldn't help but laugh

"or else I will forget, so to speed things up I'll give you half of the list and we split, okay?"

I huffed getting irritated at the thought of having to stay up late to finish my homework

"yes ma'am but eyes on the road before we crash"
she playfully glared at me as I laughed at her.

" I'm already parking so it fine, now get off so we can get this over with"

I opened my car door and playfully saluted her

"yes, sir." She handed me half of the list after our little playful moment.

That's what I loved about my mom she was nice and fun, she didn't take things seriously unless it was something important. I briefly  paused to put in my earphones. If I was going to be on my own while getting my  half of the list I want to minimize any interactions. I quickly played my favorite song at the moment which is I'm with you by Avril Lavigne. I was quickly brought out of my thoughts as I slammed into what felt like a wall. Groaning I massaged my forehead

"Of course, I would be the one to not see the wall there"

I spoke as I continued to massage my poor head.

"It's because there isn't"  the wall laughed.

Freezing at the response I look up to see a guy that looked around my age he had these pretty green eyes that I couldn't look away from. The only reason I snapped out of my trance was because he smirked at me with the eyebrow raise those cocky guys make.  I quickly tried to apologize to the stranger keyword being tried as I felt extremely embarrassed

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to stare or bump into you I wasn't paying attention I'm sorry" by the end of my sentence my cheeks felt super hot  meanwhile the guy began to laugh at my reply.

This guy is really laughing at me while I'm trying to apologizing to him. I mean yes It was my fault but still I'm not sure why he feels the need to laugh. One thing I do know is if my face wasn't tomato red before I'm sure it is now.

"It's alright, Are you okay?" he replied still laughing a little.

"Yes, I am thanks for asking but I should get going already my mom is probably waiting for me"

I picked up the list I dropped when I ran into Mr.Wall over here and began to walk away

"see you around beautiful"

I turned back around to face Mr.Wall

"um, yeah" I  gave him a nod quickly turning back around and turning the corner out of his view.

As if I would see him again thousands of people live in this city but little did I know that run in with Mr.Wall would change my life forever.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19 ⏰

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