Chapter 18

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Niall's P.O.V.:
"What the...?" Mr. Brandon mumbled confused to himself, me and Louis giggling in the back of class trying to restrain ourselfs from bursting out laughing.

We were in History class and Mr. Brandon tried writing on the blackboard, which just couldn't seem to work out. Little did he know that Louis and I waxed it before the lesson started, so he wouldn't be able to write on it.
By now he started throwing the chalk furiously against the blackboard, unaware of the fact that the whole class was laughing at him, even Liam the goody two shoes did.

I turned to look at Zayn behind me, who was grinning, showing his perfect teeth. Was there even one single flaw on his body? Or his personality?
We hadn't told anyone about our relationship, yet.  But we had been together for just a few days. It wasn't anything you could just tell someone. 'Oh, hey Mum. School was alright today. By the way I'm gay and I have a boyfriend.' for example. Nuh uh. But I'd have to tell them sooner or later. Oh god, even thinking about it made me anxious.

Zayn now faced me, looking confused as to why I looked so edgy. I shook my head as to tell him 'Not now'. He nodded once and I turned my attention back to the front of class where Mr. Brandon was observing the blackboard.

"Alright! Who did this?" He commanded outraged. I shrunk a bit in my seat and tried not to crack up again, forgetting about my worries.
It was funny that he never actually caught us. But he knew that it was me and Louis, that's probably why he was always so mean to us... well especially me.

"That was genius! We are genius!" Louis blabbered as we walked to next class. History class was cut short because Mr. Brandon went to the janitor and the principle's office because of the waxed blackboard.
"That we are." I agreed grinning.

"What do we have next?" I asked the three of them. Really, if it wasn't for them I would have been late to almost all my classes. I was one of the most unorganized person to ever run the earth. "If I am not mistaken we should have Geography now." Harry replied, obviously. What was with this boy? Me, Liam and Louis kinda ignored his 'poshness' now, in hopes that he gets bored and just stops it.

"So what did you do on the weekend?" Liam asked all of us. I got a bit nervous. I wasn't exactly the best liar. I had to think of something that was at least the tiniest bit believable.

"I was at Eleanor's, we went to the movies and went shopping a bit." Louis answered. "My parents took my out for a very nice dinner on Saturday, but I didn't do anything useful on Sunday." Harry... can I just... ugh...

Now they looked at me, making me gulp. "Uhm... I stayed in bed all weekend..." They all snorted. "Suprise suprise!" Louis sing-songed. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. Gahh... what was I doing? I still had to tell them someday. But I was literally shitting myself only thinking about it.

We walked to Geography class, which was pretty much on the other side of this school, it was also the last class of toda, luckily. I didn't think I would be able to sit here for two more hours.

As we walked in the room I saw Zayn looking at me from his table at the window, gesturing for me to come over. "Excuse me boys." I said, walked over to him and sat beside him. I really wanted to hug him. And kiss his cheek. And his lips. And I had to stop thinking things like that, not at school anyways.

"Can you tell me now what's wrong?" He asked me. I shook my head. "No, class starts just now." I said, seeing Mrs. Jackson walking in the room and preparing for her lesson, before telling us to be quiet so she could start. I really didn't like Geography. I was almost as bad at it as I was at History, and then had to mean something. But luckily Mrs. Jackson wasn't that much of a prick than Mr. Brandon, which was a huge relief. I always thought all female teacher would be as bitter as Ms. Grey but she really wasn't. She was about 40 and really sympathic. But that still didn't change the fact that I couldn't stand Geography.

I wasn't even trying to pay attention I just looked around class. Louis was looking at me a bit mad. Oh great, now he was offended because I sat beside Zayn instead of him, like we usually did in this class. I quickly turned away from him, not wanting to meet his piercing stare. It was actually quite frightening.

Suddenly Zayn poked me, making me turn to him. He sneakily slipped a piece of paper in my hand, leaving them tingling. I wanted to hold his hand so badly. I sighed inwardly, looking up at Mrs. Jackson who was writing something down on the blackboard about Chine, before carefully unfolding the piece of paper Zayn gave me.

'Tell me what's going on', it said. Damn him for always knowing when something was up. I grabbed a pen from my pencilcase and replied as unsuspiciously as I could. Bein caught now was the last thing I wanted, my mood was already on the down low.

'I just don't know what to do about my parents and Greg and Louis, Liam and Harry. How do I tell them? I have to eventually. But I don't want them getting mad at me, besides... what if they don't accept that I'm gay?'

I folded the paper again one time and slid it over to him, when Mrs. Jackson wasn't looking in our direction. I watched him reading it, he was furrowing his eyebrows slightly, a worried expression gracing his features. I only now noticed what he was wearing; Rather tight black trousers with a white shirt, which was hanging a bit lower than supposed to be. I really admired his collarbones. I couldn't even imagine what he looked like without a shirt on.

He quickly wrote something and handed me the paper back. I stopped my inappropriate thoughts and read what he wrote.

'I told you we don't need to tell them right away. And Liam, Harry and Louis would be stupid for not accepting you. We can wait as long as you want till we tell them and our parents.' He was always so considerate it made me want to scratch my eyes out, not really.
'What about you? Aren't you even a tiny bit nervous to tell them?' I wrote back to him.

'Of course I am. But I believe that our families won't judge us and I don't think your friends would either.' He replied.

'But I don't wanna wait too long to tell them, if they accept us, they will be angry we didn't tell them earlier.'

'Don't worry about that. We can tell them any time you want.' He wrote. I sighed, thinking. When did I want to tell them? God, I was getting a headache and I felt like crying. I didn't know what to do! Why was I so messed up? I grades haven't been exactly great, I can't get up on myself in the morning, I can't remember my own schedule, I was constantly embarassing myself, especially in front of Zayn, and to top it off I was gay, probably.

I felt a hand on my thigh, making me look up at Zayn immediatly. He was comfortably rubbing my thigh, of course he knew I was sort of on the edge with my feelings right now. I leaned slightly back in my seat, relaxing a little and taking a deep breath.

I grabbed my pen again making a decision, more or less.

'Maybe, I'll tell my family today.' I wrote and slid it over to Zayn, looking at him with an uncertain epression. 'You sure?' He wrote back. I shrugged, but then nodded my head.
He grabbed the paper again. 'Do you want me to be there?' He asked. 'No I want to do this alone. I don't want you to see them if they might freak out...' I gave him the paper again. He nodded and mumbled an 'Okay'.

The rest of the lesson we actually tried to pay attention to what Mrs. Jackson was saying, me failing miserably. Even if I had paid attention from the beginning, I knew I wouldn't understand a thing. I was lucky that Mrs. Jackson always let me pass the class. I didn't care that it was out of pity. At least I passed, right?

When finally the bell rang, I already packed my bag, I went over to Louis, Harry and Liam. "I hate Geography. I didn't get anything." I complained to them. "Well, maybe you would've understand something if you weren't busy writing with Zayn." Louis pointed out. I blushed a bit but still rolled my eyes. "Liam can you tutor me the next time we meet?" I ask him as nicely as I could. "Sure, when?" He agreed.
I shrugged. "I don't know. Not today, because Mum and Dad wanted to do something with me and Greg. Not sure what it was." I 'half' lied, okay I lied.

"Tomorrow?" He asked, without noticing my little, sneaky lie. "Okay. After school, right?" He only nodded in response. "Okay, now I gotta talk to Mrs. Jackson." He said and made his way to Mrs. Jackson. He was such a teacher's pet. Well, he was still one of my best friends.
Me, Louis and Harry said goodbye to each other as soon as we were out of class.

"Hey." I heard from behind me, causing me to turn around. I smiled when I realised that it was Zayn. "You gonna call me later after... you know?" He asked looking me in the eyes with his brown ones.
"Okay." I bit my lip, asking myself if I should hug him or not. But my question was totally unnecessary, because net thing I knew, I was engulfed in his warm embrace. I felt a light tug at my hair, making me look at him confused when we separated. "Your hair doesn't taste so nice." He stated, scrunching up his face and slightly wrinkling his nose.
"Well, hair's not supposed to taste good." I scoffed mockingly.

Zayn chuckled and ruffled my hair. "I gotta go. Call me later?" I nodded whilest pouting. And he left. I was just going to leave too, when I heard a cough behind me.

I turned around and there standing in all his glory, was Liam, looking at me with raised eyebrows. "Uhm... I... I have to go. Mum and dad want me home." I stuttered, "See ya' tomorrow." I called, before rushing down the empty halls of school, and as red as a freaking tomato again.

I really had to stop doing that. Not one day could pass without me embarassing myself in any way.



A/N: FINALLY another chapter. ugh school just started again for me, and I was exhausted the last two days... anywayzz

Hope you enjoyyy and please vote and comment if you like it :3 (I didn't really like but I'm excited for the next chapter o.o)

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