Chapter 6

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GUYS Everybody go check out the Trailer for Another After please! @hazzaloveslou1D made it and its per - fect! Love it! Thx so much love xx (Link on the right)



"W-Where did you get this?" I ask slowly, still shocked from the Picture I'm Holding in my Hands.

The red haired Girl, Steph, tries to say something, but it takes very Long, so I say again, even yelling.

"Where did you get this!"

"We..we.. our friend.." Steph stutters.

"Who are you? What Kind of People are you, what do you want from me?" I shout scared.

I look again down on my Hands, and at the Picture.

This is a Picture of.... Me.

It's me, but I have a different hair colour. Where the hell did they get this Picture? Why don't I recognize it? Are they Stalkers?

"This.. isn't you." Niall answers my unspoken question.

My mouth Drops open and I walk towards the big mirror in the room. I look once again at the photo, then into the mirror. Yes, it is me, definetely. It Looks exactly like me.

"The Girl on the photo... her Name is Tessa.. Well, was." Niall adds.

I look at him. "What?" I whisper, too shocked to talk even properly.

So, that's why Steph stared at me, and everyone else? That's why this curled hair Boy was so shocked seeing me? I see the Point, it seems Logical now, but I can't believe it. Is this some joke I don't get? Are they fooling me, or are they honest?

Steph pulls something out of a drawer. It's another photo. I can see that Boy with curly hair, Harry I think, The two persons on the photo are smiling into the camera, the Boy in a black suit and the Girl in what seems like a White Dress.

I remember the Long Story Steph told me, that Tessa and Harry were in a relationship finally after he opened up to her. Steph told me that he was a bad Boy before and all those things, and that Tessa finally left the Country after she found out that Harry used her for a bet.

" this true?" I finally can speak. All of them nod in sad expressions, and I have to gasp for breath.

"Tessa...I was her first friend on college. But I wasn't honest to you, Megan." Well, I think now they will admit it was a joke.

"Tessa, she didn't left the Country. Well, at least I think so. She left for a few months, and then.. she..." Steph stops as tears leave her eyes. Niall pulls her in a soft semi-hug and Zayn speaks for her.

"She killed herself." My mouth Drops open. What?

"She was too hurt by what her love, Harry, has done to her. Harry really did love her, well he always said so, but he was broken, I could tell. He didn't Show up in our Group since then, neither has he talked to anyone of us since Tessa left him."

"When I saw you first in that Little store, I didn't know what to think. I couldn't realize it, I thought it was a miracle. I thought this can't be true, it must be a ghost, but then that 'rumour' went around." Steph says before I can answer.

"So, that's why everybody Looks at me like that, right?" That's the only Thing I can say now. A Girl who killed herself, looking exactly like me? Her boyfriend and friends thinking I'm her, what is this all about? Are we like lost twins? No, I don't think so. I feel lost right now, and I don't even know why.

I want to know so much more about her, Tessa, but I also kinda want to know nothing more. Why me? Will I have to act like the dead Tessa now?

"Tessa. That was her Name?" I ask.

"Tessa Young, well Theresa exactly." One of the Boys answer, but I don't care who of them, I'm just too much into my thoughts right now.

"How did she do it? You know, killing herself?" Why am I asking those questions? I don't know, but I want to know.

"She cut her throat." Steph whines crying even harder.

"How was she? I mean, tell me something about her." I don't know why I want to know that, I just want to. I want to know her better. I want to understand her, I want to have a Picture of her in my mind.

For about an hour, the three of them, especially Steph, tells me that she loved to study, didn't like parties too much, but changed when she spend more and more time with Harry.

Somehow I feel guilty. For Harry, because I think he has been pretty hurt when he saw me. Did he think it was something in his mind, or did he think I was Tessa? What if he kills himself, too? Not because of me, but because of Tessa. Seems like he really did love her.

During the conversation about Tessa, I hear a few times "I can't believe it." or "This can't be true." or even "God, that's weird." And I agree with all of them, why me? I'm just a normal Girl, who wanted to join college, but now? I'm finding out that some mysterious Girl killed herself because her boyfriend lied to her the entire time, and that Girl Looks just like me. I can't believe it either, I really thought it was me on the Pictures. It Looks so....real..

I don't know what to say, think or feel.

I'm not listening too properly what Steph tells about Harry's father and his stepbrother Liam.

Wait, Liam! I just met him today. At literature. Yeah, Steph says they were best friends, I guess that explains his presentation today. It must be hard for him to see his dead best friend...again..

After the hour of Steph, Niall and Zayn telling me things about Tessa, I say: "I have to go to that Harry."

Their faces are shocked by my decision, but I somehow think I have to. For Tessa. That's maybe stupid, I didn't even know her, but I don't care now.

They tell me where to find him, the frat house. He moved back into there after Tessa died. Steph told me about an Apartment Harry and Tessa shared.

So, I say goodbye to Steph, NIall and Zayn. I give Steph my number, I don't know what for, but in case she Needs to talk.. or in case I Need to.

I climb into my car and make my way to the frats house. The door is opened by a blonde guy who is talking on the phone. He lets me go in without even asking why, he seems too distracted by his call.

I ask another guy where to find Harry, but the guy doesn't look at me, he just raises his finger to Show me upstairs. I walk upstairs, thinking about a lot of things. Why am I even here? What wll I say? Does he even wants me to talk to him? Would he be angry, sad or anything else? I shouldn't be here maybe. I don't know one of them at all, what do I expect to happen?

I knock on the big White door, and as Harry opens the door, he gets the same shocked Expression as he did when he first saw me. It seems like he can't move or say anything, so I have to start.

"Hi Harry" I mumble nervously

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