Prologue-December 28

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Please dont comment about the title. just read this...its

something im tryin.its under construction too.



***December 28***

School is such a...waste of my time. As long as I know how to multiply, divide, add, subtract, read, spell, and write: I should be okay. I don't even like coming anymore. Well I never did. But still, you get my point. Today seniors had to come in for senior pictures or something like that even though it's winter break.

Grabbing my keys from my doodled-on backpack, I unlock my trunk and heave my backpack in there. After I close my trunk, it reveals the father of the devil himself, Romeo. I roll my eyes and scoff at him.

"Well, hello, hello. If it isn't Miranda." He says with a smirk and a twirl of his keys. Why does he have to park next to me to annoy me? Well, he succeeded.

"Ugh, whatever Romeo." Just as I was about to walk to my driver side, my ears are irritated with the piercing sound of like fingers being dragged down a chalkboard. Screaming, I grab my pained ears.

I walk to the passenger to see that Romeo made a long scratch with his keys-of course on purpose.

And no translation needed I yell, "Carajo! Qué es tu problema?!"

"Oops, did I do that?" he mocks sounding like Steve Urkel.

"You're totally paying for that, Romeo Chasten!"

I just got this car for Christmas.

"Oh really?" he says hopping quickly in his car letting the window down and putting it in reverse.

"Ugh...oh my gosh! Stop being an---" He revs his engine and accelerates off.

I lean against my car and stare at the scratch. I look at the blue sky then down at the snowed on ground. Eff my life.Punching the door jam, I began driving my way home.

Romeo makes my blood boil. It's not that I hate him. It's just that if he were to be on fire and I had a jug of water, I would drink it. And when I'm done drinking it, I wouldn't even piss in his direction.

My phone sounds off indication of my best friend, Mallory, is calling me.

"Hello, my love!" I answer with little enthusiasm.

"Hey girly, what's wrong?" she always knew when something was wrong. All I needed to do was groan.

"Ugh, come on Miranda, what did Romeo do now?"

"Scratch my car." I say angrily through my teeth.

With a change in her tone, she says, "Again?"

"Yeah except this time it was his keys." Last time was from the spikes of his belt.

"Yall two really need to cut it out. This has been going on since Freshy year. Here we are Seniors-halfway through the year. It's getting old."

"Well, it's his fault. He should've never threw that pizza at me in 9th year."

Mallory sighs with surrender, "Whatever Mimi. Anyways, there's a party coming up."

"Who's hosting?"

"" she confessesscared by my reaction

"What?! That means Romeo is going to be there!"

Romeo and Demitri are best friends. Demitri really likes Mallory but Mallory just doesn't want a relationship.

"Boo, stop. Just ignore him and try to have fun for a change. You're no fun anymore! Please come!"

I let a sigh escape from my mouth. "Fine but if he pisses me off. I'm out. When is the party?"

"New year's eve."

"That's perfect because my parents have a business trip that day until January 3rd."

"So you'll come?!" she asks with excitement rising in her voice.

"...Yes Mal..." I give in stopping at a red light. I gotta love her.

"Yes thank you, Lovie! Muah! Toodles!"

She's lucky I love her because I'm doing this for her. It shouldn't be that bad.

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