Chapter One New Beginnings

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"Hanji you better get up soon sleepy head! You wouldn't want to be late to your first day at your new high school!" Boomed Hanji's mother from the kitchen

"Coming down now Mom!" Said Hanji as she quickly ran down the stairs almost tripping over the last step but quickly regained her balance as she ran to grab her backpack.

" Have a good day now sweetie and please don't get into any trouble" said Hanji's mom as she kissed Hanji on the cheek not looking up from the morning paper. Hanji smiled and ran to school hoping to have enough time to head to the school library. As she was walking only a few blocks away from the school Hanji noticed a group of small children crossing the street. One of the boys had dazzling green eyes was walking close to two little girls one which had short blonde hair and piercing blue and the other had a rather old looking red scarf around her neck and another boy had a rather horse looking face. Before she knew it Hanji found herself in front of the high school.

"Remember Hanji, don't get and trouble and try to meet new people." Hanji said to herself as she slowly walked into the school. She looked around seeing groups of teens, such as a girl with very orange hair walking next to a boy with neatly combed, Raven hair. The boy with the Raven hair looked over at her. Hanji noticed that his face was blank and his eyes looked soulless. Hanji blushed a little for the boy with the Raven hair was attractive. Hanji shook it off and continued her search for the library. After about 5 minutes the bell rang and students were quickly heading to their classes. Hanji had to have a meeting with the principal of the school, so instead of heading to a classroom, Hanji went into the schools office and sat down in a chair in the principal's office.

" You must be Hanji." Said a man with ponytail as he entered the room and sat down in the big chair behind the huge desk. Hanji nodded yes and smiled.

"I am Grisha Yeager, principal of Attack high school" said Mr. Yeager as he smiled.

"Since you are new to this school, I have asked one of the students to show you around today instead of going to class." Just as Mr. Yeager had finished his sentence, a tall teenager had entered the room. He had short, well kept blonde hair and big eyebrows and a nice looking smiled on his face.
"You asked for me Mr. Yeager?" Said the boy as he stood in the doorway.
"Ah yes I did, miss Zöe, this is Erwin Smith. He will be showing you around the school today." Hanji looked at the boy and blushed. Hanji stood up and walked toward Erwin.

"Hi, my name is Hanji." Said Hanji as she held her hand out for a handshake, trying to hide the fact she was blushing.

"Smith, Erwin Smith." Said Erwin Cooley as he shook her hand and smiled. He looked into her beautiful brown eyes and blushed a little.

"Well, I am going to go ahead and finish some paperwork, you two should get going, don't waste the whole day in my office." Said Mr. Yeager jokingly.

"Of course Sir." Said Erwin as he led Hanji out of the room.

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