Young, Wild and Thieves

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As you may have figured out already, Kateryna Belyakova and Bianca Mazipov are not your ordinary teenagers. They both became orphans at a very young age, Kateryna’s father passed in a car accident when she was 4 and her mother passed of cancer when Kateryna was 7. Both of Bianca’s parents died while on duty in the Russian police force when she had just turned 8. Neither girls had family or anyone who would take them in so they were turned into Safe Haven orphanage. Safe Haven isn’t one of those horrible or sad and dreary orphanages where the children or never happy or they’re locked in a room all day. Safe Haven had comfortable rooms, good food, friendly and loving staff and tried to make the children feel as at home as possible. Kateryna and Bianca first met when they were moved into the same room and became roommates. They bonded and befriended one another quickly and insisted that they stay together at all times. So, they were always roommates, always sat together at lunch and during classes and always had some secret or inside joke going on between themselves. Kateryna had always had natural beauty on her side. She had naturally tan skin, long dark brown hair and dark grey eyes. She was 5’ 6” and thin for her age and height, but toned. Bianca had light white-blonde hair, piercing blue eyes, and fair skin. She was 5’ 2” and petite. They did seem like perfect and flawless dolls. But they weren’t.  But who expects a 16-year-old girl to steal a brand new Maserati?

It all started one day when the girls were about 12, the children of Safe Haven went on a field trip to a museum. After looking at the exhibits, they were allowed to go look in the gift shop. Kateryna and Bianca were fascinated by everything they had there. There so many cool things they wanted but they had no money. So Kateryna whispered into Bianca’s ear very quietly, “Do you think they would notice if we each took something?” Bianca shook her head slowly. So Kateryna slipped on a pearly and leather necklace and Bianca slid a set of engraved metal bangles onto her wrist. Nothing was noticed or inspected of them and they got away with it without any suspicions. They felt giddy for the days that followed and so badly wanted to do it again, but how? They would not be going out for months. So they started sneaking out, in between classes, at lunch, whenever they could. At first they didn’t even go steal anything, but instead just walked around together. But then they remembered why they hard started sneaking out in the first place, they started small, with just little things from the corner store but then started taking things worth more and selling them to make a little money. It was all new to the girls, but they loved it. The best part to them was that they had never once been caught and they were hoping to keep it that way for a long time.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2013 ⏰

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