Beautiful Imperfection- Created: 6-27-12

69 9 2

There is a flaw in every pretty girl,

despite what the eye may see. Whether

noticable at first, or something

you have to catch on your own...

it is there, waiting to be seen.

That one little mistake that's accidental,

or deliberantly is clear im-

perfection. Abnormal to the status quo.

Weird, even, so...

Does that mean that imperfection is okay?

That mistakes are just fine, asked for even?

Is it alright to not just be perfect your whole

life? To be bigger than most? Or skinnier than

the next? To not follow the crowd? To dance to

your own beat? To not look just like Beyonce?

Because I've seen it with my own eyes, heard it

spoken, too. That it's okay to not be perfect. As

long as you're being you

Even the ones' you believe invincible, who seem

so perfect and put together...have a fatful,

individual flaw. Because I saw the truth today,

despite medias, movies, and books decitful


That there is a flaw in every pretty girl,

despite what the eye may see.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2013 ⏰

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Beautiful Imperfection- Created: 6-27-12Where stories live. Discover now