2: Parents

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Parents are confusing.
They go from "HAHAHAH IM SOOO DRUNK" to "Amanda, get into your room and stop being so rude." In 2 seconds and I can't handle this transition.

Also, if I forget to do something, they always go on a 4 hour rant about how I don't pull my weight and that I never help out around the house.

And then they say "Well I house you and feed you so you should do something!"

Well, I'm sorry you decided to have kids...

Another argument that always pops up is "Why can't you be social and do normal things?"

Yeah, ok. I get that I'm a disappointment and that you wish you had a different child. No need to rub it in.

(AN: I made this to vent after a fight so don't take this too literally!!!)

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