The Beganning

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"Come on. We have to keep running." A black haired girl that looks like she's 8 years old says to a younger brown haired girl that looks like she's 6 years old. "But, my legs hurt, and what if daddy's dogs gets us?" The younger girl says worriedly. "He is not going to get us. Not on my watch." She says while holding the younger girl's hand. Distant barks become louder. "Lexy, they are coming closer!" The girl says. "Niko, run ahead-." She was cut off by her tripping and falling down while holding Niko's hand. "Oof!" Lexy saw when they were at the end of the hill.

"Lexy, look!" Niko says and point and a small building. "Let's, go." Lexy says and grabs Niko's hand and ran. They slamed the door and stayed quite. The barking passed by. They sighed. Niko looked around the building, then she notice the dusty books. She gasped in excitment. "Lexy! It's a library!" She says. "Yay. Books." She say sarcasticly. "Oh whatever. It's books! How can you hate books?!" Niko says. "Becuase they are boring and stupid." Lexy replied. "How dare you!!" Niko says playfully. "I guess we'll have to stay here for tonight." Lexy says.

~ 2 years later ~

"I'm bored!!" The 8 year old Niko says. "Well read a book." The 10 year old Lexy replied while putting up the books on the shelf. "But I already read ALL the books! And I'm not going to read then again like yesterday or the day before that!" Niko huffed and cross her arms like a 3 year old. Lexy sighed and found a mysterious book. "Have you read this book?" She asked. She looked up and gasped of excitment. "No." She says happyliy. Then Lexy got an idea. "Well you can read it after training." She teased. "But-" then Niko sighed. "Fine." She got up and went outside. Lexy giggled and went outside.

"Okay, we finished trianing. Can I read the book now?" She pleaded. "I guess..." Lexy teased. "Yay!" She say happyliy. After she cracked open the first page the door slamed down. "Is this where you two have been hiding all a long from your father?" A male voiced boomed. Both girls gasped. "Dad....." Lexy whispered. The man came out of the shadows. A big buff guy with a scar across is eye. "You think you could run form your father?! Ha ha ha ha ha ha!" He said eviliy. "Niko, on my signal, run." Lexy says quiteily. "What?" Niko replied. "But I'm strong. I can fight." "I said, 'On my signal, run.' Am I clear?" Lexy replied harsly. "Fine." She said. "Run! Now!" Lexy said and charged for her father. Niko grabbed her book and ran. She ran and ran and ran until her legs gave out. She sat down by a tree. Pulled her knees up to her chest. Tears sliped out of her eyes. She cried herself to sleep.

Niko trained everyday. She put Lexy's trianing and her mother's trianing together. She trained and trained and trained. She travled, looking for jobs but no luck.

Then she stumbled upon a pinked hiared boy punching a tree with a picture of a black haired boy and a scarlet haired girl. "Stupid Erza. Thinking she can boss me around." He mumbled and punched the tree hard to were his hand turned red. 'Ouch.' Niko thought. Then two eggs fell from the tree and hit his head. She quickly ran to him. "Hey, you okay?" She asked holding her hand out. "Just peachy." He says and takes her hand. "I'm Niko, Niko Blade." She says. "I'm Natsu, Natsu Dragneel." He replied. Then both looked at the eggs. One had blue markings and the other had light purple markings. Then Natsu quickly grabbed the blue egg. Niko grabbed the light purple egg. Then Natsu started walking away. "Hey where are you going?" Niko asked. "To Fairy tail." He replied. "What's Fairy tail??" She asked. "A guild. Wanna come? You can also join if you want." He says. Niko looked at the ground thinking. Then she looks up. "Sure!" She says happyliy.

~Time skip~

They made it to the guild. Niko was nervous she hadn't been around so many people in a long time. Natsu turned around. "We're here!" He says happyliy then he saw Niko nervous. "Hey. What's wrong?" He asks. She looked up. "Nothing it's just...... I haven't been around other people in a long time." She says. "It's okay. I'll be here." He says. They walk in. It was loud as usual. Then an little old man walk towards Natsu and Niko. "Hello there." He says. She hides behind Natsu. "Hey gramps!" Natsu says loudly. "This is Niko. Niko this is gramps." "H-Hello." She says shyly. "Would you like to be in Fairy Tail?" Gramps asked. She nodded. "Follow me." He said. They walk to the bar and he got a stamp with a Fairy tail emblem. "Where would you like your emblem at and what color?" He asks. She put her egg down. She pointed at her right forearm. "P-Purple please." She says. He stamped it and said, "Welcome to Fairy tail."

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