Bab 2

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Seperti yg dijanjikan semalam harini Hara pergi berjumpa dgn Mr.John.

♪Di pejabat Mr.John♪

Masuk sahaja pintu pejabat itu,Hara teeus menuju ke bilik Mr.John.'Morning,Mr.Jo

hn',kata Hara lalu bow kepada Mr.John.'Morning too,Hara.have a sit',balas Mr.John.'I have something important to tell u,i hope u ready to hear that',kata Mr.john.'i'm ready Mr.John',balas Hara.'u have to go back to your hometown because they need u and don't worry about your career because we will transfer u to SM Ent. has a model.',panjang lebar penjelasan yg diberikan oleh Mr.John.'I know u must miss your family,friends and everyone in Korea btw thanks because u sanggup come here to help us.thank you every much',sambung Mr.John lagi sambil berjabat tangan dgn Hara.'that fine,Mr.John that is my job so i feel great and honour because can help others and thanks too for everythings that u give to me',balas Hara.'no need to thanks me,Hara.u deserve to have that all.when u go back to Korea,that mean we lost something really special',balas Mr.John.'don't say like that,Mr.John,many agent here is great so u just have to pick one of them',kata Hara.
'You can lapor diri this Monday.I will give the details'.kata Mr.John.'okay,thanks again',ucap Hara.'it's okay,just small matter,Hara.',kata Mr.John.

dalam perjalanan balik (dlm kete)

'',tanye Elly. 'i have to transfer to Korea again,they need me there.',keluh Hara.'that good,you can meet your family and friend.',kata Elly. 'but i don't want to go back yet',keluh Hara lagi.'i think this is the right time,dah lama you kat sini.',kata Elly.'are you boring with me? ', tanye Hara. 'not like that,i know that your parents miss u so much, are the only one their daugther.',kata Elly panjang lebar.'okay,i understand that.',kata Hara.'you are my best friend,i sure that i gonna miss you,Hara.',kata Elly lagi.'me too,Elly. btw where are we going?', tanye Hara.'because you will go back to Korea,should we spend time together?',balas Elly.'ofc,yes!',balas Hara teruja.

'can i ask u question,Hara?' tanye Elly.'yes',balas Hara sambil makan.'i just wanna to ask why u come her?',tanya Elly sambil makan.'because i want to go far away from my hometown',kata Hara.'why?' tanya Elly lagi.Hara pun menceritakan kenapa dia berpindah ke London.

'ooo,that u want to come here...'kata Elly.'that's hurt me alot',ujar Hara.'but u are so lucky because have family always by your side', kata Elly.'Hara, u are the strong person that i ever meet.',sambung kata Elly.

-Seminggu kemudian -

📞 call 📞

'Hello, this is Mrs. Park?', tanya seseorg. 'yes, Mrs.Park speak', balas Hara.'i Qina assiants Mr.John.Mr. John want to meet u, today at Street Cafe at 5 pm, deal?',jawab si pemanggil.'okay,deal', balas Hara ringkas.

-di Street Cafe-

'Welcome to Street Cafe,Mrs.', kata seorg penyambut tetamu.'may i know where is Mr.John?', tanya Hara.'this way miss', seorg pelayan dtg membawa Hara ke meja Mr.John.'this is the dining room miss',kata pelayan itu.'thanks',ujar Hara. 'my pleasure,miss', balas pelayan itu.

'hey,Hara have a sit', ajak Mr.John. 'so want you want? btw why we meet here? why not your office?', bertalu talu soalan yg ditanya oleh Hara kepada Mr.John.'not about mission Hara. this is about personal.', balas Mr.John

'I approve your permintaan, you want to move to Korea right?', ujar Mr.John.' yeah that's right,sir!', balas Hara dengan gembira.'I have talk with your boss in Korea, so can start next month sekali dengan cuti

maaflah kalau ada broken english 😉

terima kasih sebab sudi baca 😘

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