waiting for the sun

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  • Dedicated to Charlie Frazer

this is a story a turkish story but im going to say it in english .


she wakes up from dawn to go to istanbul lovley and peacfull then went to a school that she was so excited about  it so she went in to the taxi. so aftter a couple of minutes there was a trafic-jam so she went out and started running instead of going in to the car for some stupid cash.Then one of the person from the car from school started looking at the girl all wait i forgot to say this girl's name is zeynep you proberly haven't herd of it becase its turkish not english any  where was I zeynep went to the school with her vest on and this boy called kerem was quiet cool for guy  but .When kerem came he started bullying her throwing paint ect. she started geting furious step of the way but then she got use to it but the good news for zenep is running its her life to run and his coach is a lovley man very caring indeed find out the next chapter of  waiting for the sun .....

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2013 ⏰

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