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Every great writer gains inspiration from their everyday lives. They could be sitting at a café with a notebook and pen in hand, watching as the day unfolds in front of their eyes, or an idea can translate from a dream. Sometimes ideas can come from a muse, whether it's a lover or someone else close to the writer. An idea can also spark from a writer's location, a point in history, or current events. Nature's always a great source of inspiration, too, along with a personal experience or an adventure upon which the writer has embarked. An idea can arise from practically anything that peaks a writer's interest. But more than anything, an idea comes from the writer's heart and soul because no matter what they write, it's unique to them and their imagination. No two writers can ever write the same story, even if they have the same concept.

For me, the moon is my inspiration, my muse for writing. There's just something about the icterine sphere overlooking the world amidst a blanket of sky ranging from azure to the darkest of blacks, occasionally accompanied by specks of golden stars. The selenic ball of debris, which is 238.9K miles away from planet Earth, has a dark surface with a reflectance just higher than that of worn asphalt. But thanks to its luminance, the moon is the second brightest regularly visible celestial object in Earth's sky after the Sun.

During warm nights, I like to sit on my roof with my laptop and breathe in the fresh night air, overlooking the city as I write under the starlit sky. It's peaceful, perfect for clearing my thoughts and finding the right words so they just flow out immediately as my fingertips touch the metallic keyboard. Sometimes I'd trade my laptop in for a notebook and pen, which usually results in me biting on the tip of my pen as I ponder, and constantly fixing my glasses because for some reason, they tend to fall down the bridge of my nose more often than when I write on my laptop. You can't do things like that during daylight hours due to the cacophony surrounding the busy streets. There's no place to think, but loads of sights to see and places to explore. Paris is just too loud during the day to fully think; my creative juices just don't work during daylight hours.

So I explore during the day and write at night. I'm not a native Parisian and it definitely shows in my accent. No matter how much I've tried to perfect my French, the Aussie accent is purely audible. People think I'm insane for moving from Sydney to Paris to pursue writing, especially since we don't have snow back at home or temperatures that reach below freezing. Why would you move to Paris when Sydney's such a beautiful place? What's so good about France that you're willing to move across an ocean and live away from your family?

I initially came to Paris out on a whim. I never intended on moving here since I only planned on staying for a month. I came here to soak up the culture during the day and write at night, but something drew me to this city. Someone compelled me to stay. I've already told you that the moon heavily inspires my writing, but my other muse, Stephanie Lune, is the reason why I decided to stay.


Bringing this back because I really love this story. Enjoy, and happy reading!

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