{1} drink

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"wow," i say, bluntly. "i never knew being an adult was this bad." i whisper, shaking my head. "i wish i could go back to being five again." i say, sniffing up my tears, gripping onto a bottle of soju. "then again, i look five, so that's that."

i never liked soju.
but then again, it makes me feel better.

my throat is burning from the alcohol, and the atmosphere is so cold that it makes me just want to snuggle up into a blanket and sleep until i feel like waking up, or probably just sleep for the next twenty years. but now, I'm just looking down at my feet on the ground, and everything is starting to get hazy.

college is tough nowadays, so is my part-time job, i'm running out of ideas for my assigned painting, i have three essays due... should i say more? wow, everything's coming at once.

i need a break.


what a soft voice. tuh. i'm hearing voices now.

wait, did they just yell at me?

i laugh at my stupid question, but ask myself once again, when am I not yelled at?

"what are you doing here, huh?"

i look over my shoulder, and look up at a tall, dark haired pretty boy. my vision starts getting blurry, so i can't tell who it is. let alone, i can't remember who he is. do i even know him? i squint, trying to look at him more clearer.

"and you are?" i ask, confused.

"doesn't matter," he spats, seeming pissed. is he my boss? to yell at me like that? "what are you doing here, out and alone in the streets?" he glares, looking down at me like my father would.

now only one look at him and i can see him much more better. dark hair finely brushed to the side, brown eyes, and a sharp jaw. since its cold, his face is pale, and his lips are so pink and plump. he's cute, but a bit intimidating due to the fact that he's mad. oh lordy he doesn't look cute but type hot, when mad.

"are you even listening to me?"

i'm smiling now, just by looking at his cuteness. so cute so cute so CUTE. i think my face is starting to hurt from smiling too hard. then again, i'm just giving that lazy smile that it really looks like i'm drunk. haha, whatever though. i'm just gushing cuteness and bubbly feelings because of this boy.

he's giving me weird feelings. he definitely must not be good.

i laugh, "i'm having fun. I can't do that now?" i ask, rising up from the bench. "who sent you anyways? huh? i don't know you." i ask, turning to face him now, and he's much taller than i am, i back up a bit, blinking hundreds of times, trying to serious up. i can't beat him up if i'm that close to him. i'll probably just end up staring at him and drooling. ugh, gross.

"do you know what can happen to a girl like you-"

why does he even CARE? i don't know him! goddammit!

"shhh, you're killing me." i hiss, taking a step forward, pressing my fingers upon his mouth, shushing him. haha, now i shut you up cutie face.

i snicker, cutie face. is that suppose to be an insult? i can do better.

his eyes widen, angry, but what couldn't fool me, was his blushing cheeks.

ah, got you boy. should i pinch his nipples next?

"hey, get off!" he blurts out, backing away so quickly, he even scared the drunk out of me.

when did i become so perverted. omg.

"heyy, you're going to give me a heart attack at a young age!" i whisper, holding my chest feeling my heart beat so fast. i don't even feel drunk anymore.

"enough of this, let's go." he says, turning to leave, but i just stand there.

"no thanks." i say, sticking out my tongue at him. i turn to my drink, and take another chug.

"yah! park eun jin,"

i stop, my bottle of soju slipping from my grasp, crashing into thousands of pieces on the pavement. what? i slowly turn to look at the him. "how do you know my name?" i ask, demandingly.

he takes one step forward, "do you remember me now?"

before i could say anything, he starts to undo two buttons from his shirt.

"whoa, whoa, hey," i cover my eyes, "you don't have to do that! yAH!"

"look at me."

i peek from my fingers, and look at him... he has one finger curled around a silver necklace hanging around his neck.


i take my hands off my face, and see it more clearer this time. it's a butterfly.

it's mine.

"now you remember me?"

-•- -•- -•-

a/n:  hey guys, hopefully you enjoyed this, i'm looking forward to this story so much! please vote if you enjoyed it and leave your comments~ there is more to this story, and i'm so excite

thanks guyssss xo

remember me? | jungkookWhere stories live. Discover now