Horrible. Good. Horrible.

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*D R E A M*

I opened my eyes to find myself, looking down. I raised my head and took in the details in the room.

There was a very small window at the top of the wall, which caused a ray of sun shine to brighten the room.

The floor was covered in dust and a bit of cob webs. In the top corner of the room. You could see a spider web covered in water droplets. It looked beautiful as the sun reflected on it. In front of me simply a dark shadow. I didn't think much of it so I looked at my lap.

I was wearing a bleach red tank top and a pair of dark green short, shorts. I had a bit of bracelets and necklaces. My hair was loose but was a bit messy.

"Oh. Your awake." Someone spoke. My head turned to the voice. It was coming from the shadow.

"W-Who are you." I stuttered. That voice is incredibly familiar.

Which scared me. I knew it was a guy though.

"You know who I am..." He started. I shoke my head no, but he just chuckled.

"I'm your boyfriend."

Those words hit me like a ton of bricks fell on my head.

"N-No!" I blurted.

"What?" He said.

"I-I... Don't have a b-boyfriend." I confirmed. I then realized my hands were tied up, along with my feet.

"Oh really?" He stepped out of the shadow and I immediately froze.

"Toby?" I questioned.

"You mean, 'boyfriend?'" He smirked.

"No. I mean Toby." I said, earning some confidence.

Who's the one that's tide up?

Oh yeah me.

I might have just lost my confidence.

He then pulled out a knife. I gulped nervously as he neared me.

"Aww... Don't be scared. I'll only use it if your bad." He smirked. I started to scoot back until my head hit the corner of the wall.

Fuck, that hurt!

"Aww! Look at helpless little-"

"FUCK OFF!" I shouted.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" He shouted, then hit me.

"Now, your gonna pay for leaving me!" He put the knife to my cheek and slid it down with out cutting me.

"W-What are you gonna do?" I asked, scared of his answer. He didn't answer my question. He just slid down the knife to my thigh.

"Your gonna pay real good, Veronica..."

"Real good." He finished.

"PLEASE! JUST LET ME GO!" I screamed.

"SHUT UP!" He yelled and smacked me. He also added some punches in the stomach which made me scream in pain, making him punch me even more.

"Now, your gonna pay!" He assured me. He started to undo the belt from my pants and I knew what was gonna happen.

"TOBY! STOP!" I shouted.

"Shut up!" He cut me in the arm.

Atleast it wasn't a deep cut.

He pulled down my pants, along with my underwear.

"STOP! PLEASE!" He sliced my arm again in frustration.

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