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Chapter 1
Once Upon a time in a dark mysterious Forrest on never land island in Europe on a tall unusual tree grew a maroon and black dark rose, it hung by one little stem that could break if the wind blew hard enough, it sat there for thousands of years waiting for the right person to come along, and the right moment to land in the palm of somebody's hand, and that day was today, October 31, 1989, Halloween night, every kid on the island was out trick-or-treating, all the kids were afraid to go into the woods, they called the woods the "black hole" because the legend of the woods was that anybody who dared to enter would never come back.. Well there was one little brave girl named "Alice", Alice went through a lot in her life, she never came outside, the only day she would ever come outside is Halloween night, well as Alice wanders through the woods, she notices some footprints, as she follows the footprints, she trips over a stem and hit her head on a tree and she suddenly fainted, the next morning she woke up and had no clue where she was, she noticed something stuck to her dress, as she pulled it off she looked at it and noticed it was a rose, but at that time she didn't know it was the dark rose, she had never seen something so beautiful, she thought it was the most amazing thing ever, she never let go of that rose, it was always by her side, well one day she noticed that it started to glow, that made her love it even more, with the rose she never felt lonely, ....., she finally felt like she had something to live for again... The rose gave her something she never felt before, she felt love and peace.. Her life seemed great but at the end of the day there was always something wrong, before she found the Rose she was always filled with hatred and anger, everybody who ever cared or tried to be there for her she pushed away because she couldn't learn to love and trust, fthe Rose changed her life... She always liked dark and mysterious things but she had never loved anything as much as she loved the Rose... Alice started noticing weird things happening, as she would walk down the hall she would notice scratches on the wall and sometime she would even hear screams coming from the attic and see shadows out of the corner of her eye but she didn't worry to much because maybe it was just her imagination... A couple of days goes by.. And she hears a really loud noise she walks around the house to figure out what it was, and she saw that the front door was open and as she went outside the door slammed behind her, she tried to open it but it was like somebody was on the other side holding it tight, finally she heard another loud noise and the door swung open, she was screaming for her mom and dad, she heard her mom sobbing, she ran into the kitchen to see her mom kneeling to the floor in a puddle of blood, it was her dad, he was foaming out of his mouth and bleed fro his head, she had no clue what to do, she ran away, far away, she went back into the woods, with the Rose right by her side to protect her, but little did she know the Rose is what caused her fathers death, it's like a drug, something so little but cause so much pain, it has a disguise that nobody sees, little by little, each day that she was in the woods she became wild and free, the Rose was her mysterious love, an unbreakable love..... As she fell in love with the Rose she didn't have a care in the world, it's like it washed all of her worries away, the Rose was all she needed to feel alive again, her mother was worried sick about her she had been searching for Alice for 2 years, Alice is now 16, she still hasn't learned the awful things that the Rose is capable of, and that's the sad part... Alice was always ridiculed and picked on everyday in her old life, her mom was always gone, and her dad was never around either, so she basically lived by herself, she fell into depression so the thought of having something to love gave her hopes and strength, so the Rose seemed so powerful to her, she finally decided to go back home to check on her mom, as she went to the front door it was locked, she knocked and knocked and knocked but there was no answer then all of the sudden she heard a high pitch scream coming from inside, she tried to kick the door down but it wouldn't budge, the scream suddenly falls into silence and the door swung open she ran all through the house to find her mother, she checked everywhere accept for the attic, as she standing on the stairs she feels something drip on her head as she whipped it off she noticed it was blood so she ran to the attic to find her mom lying on the ground with her throat split, it was like there was a masked murder, but who could it be? She had no idea that it was the Rose, how could a Rose harm people? After she saw what happened to her mom she fell apart, she couldn't live with it anymore, she tried to take her life several of times, she would cry herself asleep every night, but she would thank the Rose for giving her strength but it was actually taking it away.. Everyday she grew weaker and weaker.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2016 ⏰

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