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The sun began to set behind all the buildings, and shops and stores started to close, to call it a day. The cute, little, family ran bakery,
Boulagerie Patisserie, was flipping their signs from OPENED to CLOSED. Tom, Marinette's father, strolled over to the glass door, and started to lock it, until he saw a orange cat at the door, with it's pink, padded paw pressed against the door. The cat let out a quiet, mew. The big man smiled sweetly, and slowly opened up the glass door, being careful to not frighten away the kitty. He crouched down, and coaxed the cat towards him.

"Come here, kitty, kitty," Tom said kindly. As the cat timidly walked towards the huge, and rather intimidating man, it dragged it's left leg behind it. Tom noticed the cat having problems with it's leg, and once the long haired, roughed up looking, orange cat made it's way into Tom's arms, he stood up from crouching on his knees, and brought the cat over to the bottom of the stairs.

"Marinette, come down here for a second!" Tom hollered, and pet the cat in strokes of from the top of his head, down the skinny body, to the tip of it's fluffy tail.

"Okay, Papa!" Marinette yelled politely from her room, and a minute later was stumbling down the stairs. She noticed the cat in her fathers arms, and how the small animal was in such bad condition. She reached for the cat, and gently stole it from her father's arms. "How did it get in such bad condition?" Marinette asked her father. He shrugged his large shoulders.

"It was pawing at the door, so can you work your magic, and fix this kitty up?" He asked her. Marinette nodded, and petted the cat behind the ear. It started purring away, and a smile graced the bluenette's lips.

"Let me see what I can do," she said, before heading up the stairs back to her room. Once inside, Marinette called to Tikki, "Tikki, can you grab me a blanket from my bed?"

The little, glowing red, ladybug kwami flew up from under a big, long body, cat pillow that curled around on the top of the her bed. Tikki grabbed the corner of the large, light, rose, pink blanket that covered Marinette's loft like, bed. The small kwami dragged the blanket down, off the bed, and to the floor.

"Where do you want this, Marinette?" Tikki asked, and struggled to hold up the large blanket.

"You can leave it there for now, thank you, Tikki," Marinette thanked, and used one of her hands to crumbled the blanket up, and shape it like a nest, then, she sat the cat down in the plush nest. Then moved the blanket and cat, up onto the chaise that was on the side of her room.

"So, where did this little cat come from?" Tikki asked, and flew over to sit in Marinette's shoulder.

"Papa said he found the cat at our bakery door," Marinette answered. She pet the cat, and ran her hand over the cat's legs. When she touched the cat's left leg, it flinched, and swatted at her with it's claws. She quickly darted her hand back, to avoid getting scratched.

"Something is wrong with his leg," Tikki pointed out. Marinette checked, and confirmed that the cat was a he.

"I guess I'll need bandages," she spoke, while standing up and walking over to the door in the floor that lead downstairs. "I'll be right back."

Marinette came back, with bandages in her hand, and some food for the cat. Her plan was to distract the cat with some food, so she could apply the bandages to the ingured leg. The girl's plan didn't go well, and she ended up getting her arm very scratched up.

"Ow," Marinette whined as she earned herself another tear in he arm. "This isn't working."

Tikki opened her mouth to say something, but when she sensed the presence of another kwami, she dashed away from sight, and hid herself in a drawer. Marinette was confused on why Tikki flead like that, then she heard a loud thud on the roof above her.

"Uh, what was that?" Marinette thought out loud. She slowly, and cautiously stood up, and looked up at the ceiling. There was a patter on the roof, and it seemed fo be getting closer. Next she thing she knew, a face half covered by a black, leather mask, and bright, green and emerald eyes emerged from the hatch above Marinette's bed that lead to her balcony. Golden blonde hair messed up by the wind, and was even messier than normal.

"Hello prin- WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR ARM!" Chat Noir exclaimed with worry, and lept from the hatch to the bed, and scurried to the floor over to Marinette. She looked down at her right arm, that was all bloody, and stinging from all the scratches. Chat Noir glared down at her hurt arm, and reached her hands forward to examine us closer.

"Oh, it's fine," Marinette lied and ignored the pain jolting through it as she moved it away from Chat's grasp. "I've just been trying to help this other little kitty who found his way to my door step," She sat right back down next to the piled up blanket and the orange cat. Chat looked down at the cat, and glared at it.

"He's hurt," Marinette pointed out. But that didn't stop Chat from being mad at the new cat.

"Are you going to keep him?" Chat asked, jealously dripping from his voice. Why had he been so jealous of a cat that just tore up his princess's arm? Was it just a cat thing?

"It depends," Marinette spoke, and petted behind the cat's ear. The cat started a loud, soothing purr. "If I don't touch his leg, then he is a sweetheart, I might keep him."

"The only cat you need is me," Chat pouted, and sauntered over to Martinette on her chaise. She sat down next to the piece of furniture, and faced Marinette and the cat. The bluenette giggled at his foolishness, and leaned over to peak his cheek with a little kiss.

"Yes, but this cat needs me right now. He's hurt, and I have to help him," she said, then stood up off the chaise. "I have to go wash off my arm, keep him company please."

Chat Noir look at the orange cat that was curled in Marinette's blanket.

"She's mine!" Chat hissed, and gently poked the cat's pink, runny nose, with the tip of his claw.

It didn't take long for Marinette to enter the room, and that's when she saw the unexpected.

Chat Noir was sprawled out on the chaise, appered to be sleeping, with the orange resuce cat snoozing away on his chest. The cat was uplifted from every breath Chat took.

"Aweeeee," Marinette cooed at the two cats sleeping. Quietly, Marinette tip-toed across her bedroom floor, and over to the side of the pink chaise. She noticed that the cat's leg was bandaged up. I guess Chat did that, Marinette spoke to herself, and she knelt down. She ran her fingers through Chat's spiky, golden blonde hair, and slightly smiled.

"Good kitty," she whispered, and kissed him on the forehead, before the bluenette stood up and covered the two cats with the blanket that was at the end of the chaise, about to fall off. Marinette climbed up the stairs to her bed, and used a spare blanket to cover up with.

"I'll name him, Romeo," Marinette whispered to herself before her eye lids fell heavy, and she drifted off to sleep. Tikki came out if the drawer, and dashed to the bed. The kwami snuggled up next to Marinette, and both of them went to sleep.

Only a tiny little oneshot, because I was bored.

The Jealous Kitty Cat (MariChat)Where stories live. Discover now