**I write a lot of poetry, and a lot of people say it's really deep, so I guess, yah.. Please no hate, and I'm hoping someone can relate!**
One more step,
One more push,
One more cut,
One more pill,
One bullet.
One wrong word, she's gone.
It won't take much;
Don't push, just listen.
Let her talk,
Let her explain.
Help, don't hurt.
One person to care,
That could be the key.
One person to listen,
That could help solve everything.
Don't push back,
Sit down and listen.
"She's not worth it",
Some people say.
Dare to be that one person.
You could be the one to save a life.
You could be the one friend.
You could be the one she can turn to.
You could be the one to convince her life is worth living.
Be the one to
Stand up,
Stand out, to make an effort for her.