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Her hand held a firm grip around the glass Scotch. It was like the glass was a part of her and if she let it go she'd lose a piece of herself. She took one long gulp and finished off the glass.

"Keep them coming, Joe." She spoke across the bar. The surly bartender poured some more of the brown liquid into her glass. She tilted it towards Joe and took a sip. As it hit her mouth, her lips curled and she swallowed. The glass was still clutched in her hand.

Lauren Jauregui had spent every birthday at this bar since she was fourteen years old. And this year was no exception. Lauren sat on the exact same stool, drank the exact same brand of Scotch and ordered from the exact same bartender year after year. One would think Lauren Jauregui's birthday party would be full of friends, sexy women and located at an exclusive Manhattan's club. But that was not the case. Lauren's birthday was always just a party of one, or two, if you count Joe the bartender.

Lauren's birthday didn't just signify her aging. It also represented the anniversary of her mother's death. She died while giving birth to her all those years ago and Lauren's been living with that grief ever since. Lauren's father, media tycoon Michael Jauregui, had never once wanted to celebrate his daughter's birthday. There were no elaborate birthday parties for little Lauren. There weren't even birthday cakes, nor any wrapped gifts. A Barbie set or a toy fire truck were never waiting at the foot of Lauren's bed when she awoke on her birthday morning. All she ever got was just a deposit into a savings account.

This caused Lauren to believe her father held her responsible for her mother's death. If it weren't for Lauren, Michael's beloved wife would still be alive. It was Lauren who killed her, Michael must have thought. On top of that he also wasn't very fond of his daughter's sexuality.

Michael still is to this day a very traditional man, and ever since Lauren came out to him his glances got even colder and his words got even meaner. And that was why Michael could never truly love Lauren.

A loud sigh and clacking heels could be heard by anyone in the bar, and the sound was swiftly approaching to where Lauren was sat.

"Lauren, this is the third time I found you here this week, and it's only Wednesday," The voice that left a certain mouth was very familiar, much to the green-eyed girl's dislike.

"What are you doing here, Camila?" Lauren questioned as she took a gulp, not once averting her gaze from Joe the bartender. "You never care enough to check up on me, so why now?"

Camila sat down next to the girl and ordered a Martini, as always. She shot Lauren a sad smile even though she wasn't looking at her. "I will always care, you know that."

That caught Lauren's attention because she shifted from her seat and locked her eyes with Camila's. The brown liquid had done its job and it would be an understatement to say Lauren was just a little tipsy.

"Do I?" She asked without expecting an answer. "Because we never talk unless you need something from me. Why are you here, answer me."

"I don't know,"

"Then why don't you just leave?" Lauren half-asked, half-demanded. But when Camila didn't move a muscle she rolled her eyes and gave up, ordering a new round. It were only a couple minutes of silence but to Lauren it felt like an eternity.

There was a sigh again before Camila grabbed her purse and stood up. "Fine, whatever." With that being said, she felt a little more confident and walked away from Lauren, who didn't flinch at the sight her ex-girlfriend turning her back on her again.


"It's a pleasure to finally meet you, Lauren. Camila has been so fond over you." Sinu spoke politely but with a slight touch of kindness.

"The pleasure is all mine, Ms. Cabello." Lauren smiled slightly as they exchanged a handshake, not soon after that Camila claimed her girlfriend again by resting her hand on Lauren's hips. The fact that her parens accepted them as a couple was more than Lauren could ever ask for.

Sinu shot the girls a short smile before she excused herself and made her way to her guests, after all it was Thanksgiving and Sinu was known for her outstanding gatherings, since there were mostly older and very important people. All they really did was talk about business or how great their lives where.

Lauren never really liked the world she lived in, perhaps that was also why she was known as the young Jauregui you should avoid. She was arrogant, witty and sometimes even rude. But the girl always got away with it, after all it was Mike Jauregui who was her father and nobody dared to cross him.

But Lauren's behavior changed when she first met Camila. A gorgeous brunette who walked into the classroom for the first time, looking composed and delicate as she always did. Lauren never paid attention to whatever the teachers were rattling about, and she almost dozed off when the smoothest voice she's ever heard spoke to the teacher.

And ever since their first encounter Lauren hadn't been able to get her out of her mind, knowing the girl, she chased Camila and unquestionably got her.

"I'm glad you chose to spend Thanksgiving's here, I missed you," Camila whispered into Lauren's ear as her hands were wrapped around her neck. The green-eyed girl smirked and pecked a quick kiss on her soft lips as she had her hands rested on Camila's hips, not too far away from her behind.

"Me too, I kind of missed New York," Lauren answered. "Don't get me wrong, Argentina was amazing, but there's one thing Buenos Aires doesn't have that Manhattan does."

"And that is?"


Camila giggled which made Lauren's heart flutter, and for the first time after she got back she remembered why she loved her girlfriend so much. Their relationship was flawed, both of the girls were dominant and wanted to be in charge, but that never stopped them from loving the other with all they had. One of their main problem's though was that Camila had only once Lauren's father in the 11 months they'd been together.

Michael never liked Camila and he made that very clear the one time they encountered. It was during summer break after Lauren and Camila had gotten back from the Hamptons. Exhausted from carrying their bagage, (Which Camila absolutely loathed, "Where's Olga? She's supposed to do the dirty work." She kept saying as Lauren carried nearly all her bags.) they stopped at the Empire Hotel when Camila accidentally ran into Michael, who was in a rush.

"Hey, watch where you're-" She whined before she saw who she was talking to. "I'm so sorry, Mr. Jauregui. I didn't-"

But she shut her mouth when she saw Michael's facial expression. It looked like he was actually disgusted by her. His eyes scanned her full body from head to toe and he shook his head calmly.

"I certainly hope this was the last time I see you here, Ms. Cabello." He spoke to the girl as if she was nothing but dirt on his shoes. He checked the time on his watch and proceeded in walking towards the entrance, leaving both Camila and Lauren flabbergasted on the sidewalk.

Unfortunately, Lauren's father didn't leave it at that. He made his daughter an ultimatum, one he knew she would never turn down. And that was the reason the girls broke up, leaving nothing but two broken hearts and a re-born Lauren Jauregui behind.

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