Chapter One

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Window #1 :3rd floor (Davante Kores)
He sat down next to his coffee table with a cigarette in his hand and cried. His girlfriend broke up with him and hooked up with his step-brother. He got up and walked to the small kitchen and poured himself a nice big cup of Whiskey. What did I do? He said to himself. The couple had big plans for their relationship. They were going to get married. They were going to move to Paris and have three children after she graduated from college. Now that was all over. Davante was broken.

Window #2: 9th floor (Lorrell and Norman)
The two hags hated each other. Everyday Lorrell went out and left Norman home by himself to rot. They rarely ever spoke and when they did, it only consisted of, "Shut up you idiot." or "I hope you die and go to hell." Their apartment smelled of stale cigarettes and dirty diapers. They both were miserable.

Window#3 : 6th floor (Caleb & Tina)
Caleb Lancaster was the dorkiest guy a girl would ever meet. He wore superhero underwear and still wore onesies. He was very kind and smart. Tina was different. She was your typical popular high school girl who wore pounds of makeup and smelled like $1000 perfume. She dropped out of college and moved in with Caleb. Tina bullied Caleb in high school and now she lives with him. She didn't want to go home but it would be embarrassing to tell her parents why she dropped out, which was because she couldn't keep up with the work. Caleb didn't mind helping her but he still remembers how she treated him when they were in high school.

Window #4: 7th floor (Kimberly Benson)
She was a woman. The type of woman that carries a puppy around, while she wears designer this and designer that. She got married three times and has been single for almost ten years. She has a severe drinking problem because of her commitment issues with marriage. Her life is depressing. Days go by and all she does is cry and drink. Crink.

Window #5: 3rd Floor (James Borwinger)
    The tv was playing and he sat on his burgundy recliner chair smoking a cigar. His stomach hung way over his belt. He was a very stressed out man, but he was also all about business. He worked a lot and when he wasn't working, all he'd ever do was watch tv and smoke. There was nothing interesting about his life. He wasn't rich, but he never would have financial issues. James sat on the recliner and slowly drifted away into a deep sleep. One that he might not even wake up from due to his bad case of Cardiovascular disease. The doctors told him that he should quit smoking, but he didn't care. He wanted to die.

Window #6: 4th floor (Katelyn Posh)
    She was a sweet college girl who was very organized and studious. She lived alone but was close friends with Caleb and Tina, who lived up on the 6th floor. She's sometimes go up there to hang out with them, but she rarely ever had any time. Her days were spent in school, evenings were spent at work, and nights were spent studying or writing papers. Her mother wants her to drop out but Katelyn doesn't want to rely on her single mother to take care of her for the rest of her life. Her sister, Bryanna, is no good. Her mom had her older brother, Lenny, when she was fifteen. Lenny cut everyone off and hasn't spoken to anyone in five years. And her father abuses women and is a drug dealer. Katelyn just wants to be the one who actually has success going on in her life. She wants a bright future even if that causes her to stress out way too much for a twenty-two year old. But she knows that it's all temporary. Everything right now is all temporary. It'll be over eventually.

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