Ask seventeen!

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This book is a roleplayish fan fiction type of book. The questions you ask won't be directly going to the seventeen members (obviously) but when you ask the questions in this 'fan fiction' type of book, the members will 'answer.' The best they can.

I don't really care if the questions are inappropriate, but it should be clean enough for people under the age of 18 to read. (Yes I know most people under the age of 18 aren't innocent anymore anyway, but bare with me.)

I don't even know if this book is going to be popular...I haven't seen anyone do this yet for actual people (let alone a kpop group) so I'll try being the first one to test it out.

You could maybe say I'm the guinea pig of it all.

When you ask a question in the comments, say if you want your username to be mentioned and as well, mention the name of the member the question is being directed towards.

"Hey, I'd really love it if I could ask Hoshi blah blah blah
You can add my username."

That was a bad example, but you get me?

The question you ask can be directed towards however number of members, you could even ask them all if you want.

Anyway, go ahead and ask away!

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