*the perfect prank

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                Aeterna opened their eyes slowly, yawning and stretching their arms. They were covered in something warm, and looked down at it, noticing that it was a blanket. It was also at that moment that they realized they had fallen asleep inside one of the many booths in the middle of Snowdin. The presence of snoring caught their attention, and they turned to see a sleeping skeleton, a familiar one at that.

Aeterna grinned darkly as thoughts of pranks came into their head. Knowing Sans meant that they knew various forms of pranks and puns (especially seeing as the two were best friends), and seeing the sleeping skeleton next to them meant that they could... "Test out" some of the ideas they had.

Aeterna quickly, and quietly, stood up, running off to the house they all lived in. They slammed open the door, hearing a yelp come from a familiar mop of strawberry blonde hair. Aeterna laughed as Kota tried to compose herself, and ran into the kitchen, grabbing every item they would need.

It seemed that the others were all out, as Aeterna ran into none of them, and usually they could find at least two just by going from the front door to the kitchen, but Kota was the only one they saw. Aeterna frowned for a moment, but shrugged it off. They could be doing anything, and personally, they didn't really care at the moment.

A dog yipped at their feet as they ran back out of the house, wasting no time before leaving. If Sans had woken up, that would ruin the whole prank. Aeterna knew that Sans usually fell asleep, but they were usually somewhere else, and this was a rare chance.

It took only a bit to run the distance, but as soon as Aeterna came to the booth, they stopped, breathing heavily.

"I need to sit down for a minute," the said quietly. "That's the most exercise I've done in my life." Brushing hair from their eyes, Aeterna caught their breath, albeit slowly, and turned to the sleeping Sans, a smile once again engraved on their face.

Quickly getting to work, Aeterna soon found themselves looking down at a beautiful scene.

All they hoped now was that Sans wouldn't wake up until they were far from sight.

They didn't think he would be happy to find his bones painted on with various food-related items and several wild animals licking at him. 

So, I wrote this for my friend (take a good guess on their name) who wanted a little story about them and Sans as best friends.

Personally, I'm really proud of this, and Aeterna liked it as well.

Yes, if you couldn't tell, Kota is me. We kind of have this thing where we took OC versions of ourselves and inserted them into the Undertale world with everybody.

I know, we're so creative. 

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2016 ⏰

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