Part one the crash

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Elena's POV

Lately my life has been a whole lot worse since I just found out that my mother isobel is....was a werewolf so if I end up killing someone I would trigger the cures that why I'm staying at the family cabin away from the dangers of mystic falls.

Klaus's POV

Recently I found out the prophecy for a hybrids mate and the girl is some one we all know Already and she lives in mystic falls Vergina so I'm finding my mate so I can finally find true happiness, "Elijah lets go! I yelled then we made our way to where my true mate is.

Now back to Elena and she just started to become a werewolf

When we got to the boarding house I could feel that I was about to change into a werewolf."Guys it's happening! I yelled then Tyler brought me to the lock woods celler so I can't harm anyone that's when pain hit it felt like I was burning and the chains couldn't hold me much longer then I broke loose and ran into the woods while tripping and I could smell blood I looked back and I had white fur I saw the blood it was dark red and it had a metallic smell to it.

Back at the boarding house

"What do you mean that Elena is now your so called mate?! Damon yelled at klaus and Elijah. "It's true see what name do you see on my collarbone" Klaus showed both Salvatore's his collarbone and it did have Elena's name on it. "I'm going to see how Elena is everyone stay here please and don't be stupid to follow me got it?! Klaus hissed and everyone nodder there heads yes even Damon which surprised Klaus. After Klaus went into the woods he found Elena right away she was amiring herself in the lake so he went up beside her.

Klaus; hey Elena how are you feeling?

I recognized the colour of fur it was Klaus Mikaelson.

Me:right now sore

Klaus:What happened?

Me: I tripped while running in here

Then I nuzzled up against Klaus which surprised me but whatever were in wolf form no one will know then I started to close my eye but Klaus tried to keep me awake for awhile longer until we snuggled up and went to sleep.

Next morning


When I woke up the next morning I was beside Elena and quickly got my clothes on and put my extra on Elena but then she began to wake up. "What happened and where are my clothes?! Elena became very scared . "Don't worry luv when you change into your wolf form your clothes come off that's why I brought an extra shirt for you and bekah let you borrow a pair of pants but she is wanting them back as soon as you can but you will have to Come home with me anyways cause a prophecy that's true made you my mate and if we're far away from each other then in an hour we'll be dead just look on your collarbone and see what's on it" I explained everything on the way back to the boarding house. "Then I guess I'll will go with you cause I don't want die again cause I'm also a vampire right now.. Wait wouldn't that make me a hybrid? Elena asked. "I'm not sure we'll just have to wait to ask Bonnie maybe she knows" I smiled. "Wow I can make him smile now that's something" Elena giggled. "Luv don't forget I can still hear you" I said. "I know I didn't forget" Elena smiled. "Okay luv we're going back to my place next week alright so you have a week to send with your family don't forget before it gets too late come to the mikealson manor for supper but spend supper with the gang tonight I will be here around twelve to pick you up deal" I smiled then left for home.

-Elena-"I can't believe this your not going anywhere with him! Damon hissed. "Did you not hear him I have to or else I die and so will he! I yelled at Damon. Our supper together was brutally silent so after supper Stefen and the girls and I went over to the manor and to my surprise Kol mikealson was there Bonnie hasn't seen him in a year since when Mikael came into town. "Bonnie go spend time with Kol go have fun but not to much fun"I smiled. So now it was just me,klaus,Stefen and Caroline so then we just watched a movie together until I fell asleep and the other two were already asleep so klaus brought down a blanket for them since Stefen had a pillow and care was using Stefen's chest as a pillow.

The next morning we went down to see that breakfast was made for us and care was just coming up with bekah with blood bags in there hands. "You guys are so sweet oh and bekah thanks for the pants and they are on your bed and washed" I thanked bekah. "No problem Lena" Bekah got two cups for to put the blood into.

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