It's Always Been You

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serena's point of view.

"Oh my god, B! I'm so happy for you!"

"Thanks, S. I always knew i'd marry my prince some day!" 

....It was the day of Blair and Chucks wedding day. They were having a small reception at the Waldorf's. Everyone was there, Nate, Dorota, Jack, Georgina, Rufus, Lily, Eleanor, Cyrus, and obviously myself, and Chuck and Blair.

Humphrey was here, but when we found out he was gossip girl, each and everyone of us shut him out our lives, (Except Rufus, obviously.) But, i mean, can you blame us? Look at the pain he caused us all! I honestly can't believe I ever fell for him?! Well, I guess it was just a phase, huh? I guess he was just a cover up because, I just never wanted to admit what was really going on, which is.. I am totally, utterly, head over heels in love with Nathaniel Archibald!? sounds cheesey, huh? but, I love him so much, it scares me... But, what am i going to do about it?! I can't just flat out admit it to him, can i?....

All of sudden i heard a familiar voice and snapped out my thoughts. 

"You okay serena?" There he was, stood right infront of me. The love of my life, Nate Archibald.

I was speechless for a moment, he just looked so perfect in he's fitted suit, i gazed into he's deep blue eyes, oh he was so beautiful.

"Oh, yeah, sorry! I totally just spaced out there a minute!" I replied.

"Yeah, I could tell! watcha thinking about?" He said with a smile.

Oh, the only thing on my mind was him. But I couldn't just say that to him could i?

"I.. Umm.... Oh, nothing,," I hesitated to say.

"Well, okay if you say so," he said with a wink "But i want you to promise me you'll have a dance with me later." 

Then he stood up, and left. I sat there smiling to myself and didn't even realise Blair and my mom staring at me and smiling as they were walking over to me.

"Well S, you and Nate looked quite friendly!" Blair said with a smirk and a wink..

"Yeah, well we're good friends!"

"Good friends? Serena, are you sure about that? I mean, the way you were looking at eachother. I've never seen you look at no one like that before.." Lily piped in.

"Ok.. Well.. Uummm.... Maybe i have a little.. No.. wait a HUGE crush on nate ok?!" I said a little too loud, Nate and Chuck overheard me. My face went completely red, full of embarrassment. 

Nate came walking over to me, oh gosh, what am I going to do?! now he knows how I feel, what's he going to say?! Thank god blair and my mom was there!

"Well, Serena I'll catch up with you later, Blair and I are just going to.. umm.. Speak to Charles!" Lily blurrted out, and then they got up and left.

"Listen, Nate! Before you say anything, I just have to say that...."

He cut me off, and just kissed me. It was the best kiss i have ever had. So full of passion and love. 

He then broke the kiss, and said:

"Do you have any idea how long I've been waiting for you too say those words? You may have a crush on me, but i believe that you are the love of my life, Serena Van Der Woodsen. Not to sound too cliche, but you are the most beautiful amazing, alive person I've ever know.. Remember when I said those words to you three years ago? Well, my opinion hasn't changed since then. And it never will."

"Nate... I.. I never knew you felt that way about me? Because, I feel the exact same way about you.. I love you."

As soon as i let them words slip out my mouth, I never regretted it for a second. Nate had the biggest smile on his face, it was just adorable.

He took my hand, and took us to the dancefloor. Chuck and Blair were dancing, as were my mom and Rufus, agh. I really don't get them, one minute their divorced and then they're back together again, but he makes me mom happy so i'm fine with that.... Oh, well anyway.. Nate then spun me around, I literally felt like i was on cloud nine. He made me so happy, why did I wait so long to tell him how i felt?!... After the song ended, Nate then whispered in my ear

"Serena, I need to ask you something... Can we go talk somewhere quiet?"

"Sure" I said, as i practically dragged him into Blairs room.

As soon as we were in, he shut the door and turned to face me. He looked me in the eyes, came over to me and started playing with my hair and then he just flat out said those words i've been wanted to hear for so long...

"Serena Van Der Woodsen, will you be my girlfriend?"

I didn't even have to think twice, I literally screamed in his face "YES! Of course i will you idiot!"

He then picked me up and carried me down the stairs! We never lost eye contact the whole way down, just looking in eachothers eyes and smiling as if we were the only two people there.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2013 ⏰

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